Emo Johnny/Bones

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Posts posted by Emo Johnny/Bones

  1. @Catsbit.Care

    Please fix this bug it stole almost 1000 fragments from me.

    When you upgrade stone to steel, you hear the sound, you get kicked out, return back to game, and wall is still stone, and fragments are gone.

     I restart my game and try to upgrade again, same thing happens. 

    This needs to be fixed asap plz and thankyou.

    • Sad 2

  2. So I have found a pattern.

    I found a base, no TC. so I put my own tc and door on the base.


    any time i go NEAR this base, with my tc and door, i get kicked. i can open the door, but have to close it so quick and then get kicked again.


    same with my own base.

    the doors man ??‍♂️

    Hope this helps @Catsbit.Care @xAnonyPowerZ

  3. what about introducing harry potter items to the game.

    the factory in the middle can be hogwarts.

    and instead of walking we can fly on broomsticks.

    and we can attend potions classes. play quidditch…and find voldemort.

    • Haha 2

  4. On 10/21/2021 at 5:22 AM, xAnonyPowerZ said:

    Hey. Can you perhaps make a screen recording? So that we can see what the issue  is? 

    Do it in the following way.


    Craft a furnace

    place in hot bar 

    And try to place it on the floor 

    Then try it in the open (no base near by )

    elimination process initiated 10%……15%……

  5. On 10/22/2021 at 10:21 AM, Kleitin said:

    I was WALKING inside MY normal base and it appeared that I was suspected of cheating, since I'm playing normal, I logged in again somewhere else in NO INVENTORY, then I ask dear developers, I'll refund my items that exceeded a thousand metal and more than 3 SMG's or will I have to accept the HORRIBLE error that the game made me go through and lose the farm for about 3 hours?

    yup yup yup i couldnt even enter my base yesterday, everytime i open my second door, it kicks me. 


    greetings. anony lol

    • Like 1

  6. On 10/19/2021 at 9:04 AM, ☆ . said:

    The thing is it does yes. But we Need IP bann or a permanent Account. Otherwise nobody can stop him. He will just keep on making new accounts.


    Btw you will see me alot here from now on ?

    yup same as 2)2 was apparently banned for flying and hacking, and he was back the next day with the same name, doing the same hacks


    so you seen the glitching even after the update?

  7. Im not sure I understand what your issue is.

    From what it looks like, you wanted to raid a base and get the quickest way in by blowing up the furnace room.

    when you could have sussed it out, and shot around and made your way in with pickaxes if needed.

    If you mean the rockets break the furnace before the wall breaks then yah I agree.

  8. On 10/19/2021 at 2:18 PM, ☆ . said:

    Okay so: If you Look in the tool Cupboard (Tc) it requests wood. The thing is sometimes (normally after restart) it still says your base is decaying, even tho you have wood in it. The thing is if you got normal wood doors or the heavy metal ones (40metal) you need planks in your Tc. It doesn’t show that you need it but if you put them in, your base will no longer be decaying and also no more doors should randomly disappear (They normally disappear after restarts and don’t decay like normal walls). Hope that helps 

    REALLY?, ! 

    who else knows about this??

  9. 9 hours ago, ☆ . said:

    There is a bug with doors. You Need to put Planks in your Tool Cupboard for Wood and also for maxed Metal doors. It doesnt say that in the tool cupboard.

    sorry whats this bug? i havent seen this before.

    can you explain ?

  10. Ok well im amazed at that response lol

    So many people have experienced it.

    When the wipe happened, some bases remained and some disappeared.

    everybody knows this

    this was before the update im talking about.

  11. @Catsbit.Care

    What happens when i click my server to play

    The advertisement begins…5…4…3 

    Then the game goes back to server screen and the advertisement still playing in background

    And then it disconnects me too.

    And sometimes after 2 seconds, im in game, and the advertisement is still playing, and then i disconnect once its finished.

    • Like 1

  12. I literally cannot play for more than 5 seconds without disconnecting now. 

    Everything else works fine and i checked my wifi and its good, for all those who say its my connection.

    Its not my connection.

    Funny that my connection knows exactly when i open a furnace, and disconnect.

    I literally havent been able to play for hours and hours and hours and hours

    Grumpy Bones


    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1

  13. I think you told me, its not about resources, and once you log back in, they reappear. 

    this is impossible, and can never happen. 

    so you telling me i can relog, and the node will be in front of me, and ill be hitting it with a pickaxe, yet someone who hasnt reloged, they see me hitting nothing?


    no this isnt true ?

    its not possible that we all see different resources depending on whether we logged in or not

    i have never seen somebody hitting air, but getting logs.


    • Like 1

  14. Does it have anything to do with the amount of available resources on the map?

    The more people playing, more trees chopped down, and server needs to refresh resources?

    If thats true, then bigger maps would help have longer periods between restarts no?


    • Like 1

  15. Hey @Catsbit.Care

    Ok so I’m wondering if you can shed some light on the restarts.

    If possible id like to know exactly when they are, and how often.

    Coz of the door bug, making doors disappear.

    Also can you please tell us what is supposed to happen after a wipe?

    All bases supposed to disappear? Because some stay and some go.

    Does a Tool cupboard make any difference?



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