Emo Johnny/Bones

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Posts posted by Emo Johnny/Bones

  1. 23 minutes ago, psykkoman said:

    When you run, sometimes it kicks you for speedhacking... tonight it is super strict and people are getting kicked repeatedly. I stop running and walk frequently to simulate stamina now and it helps but I bet it is driving people nuts that haven't figured that out! Maybe a notice telling people to take run breaks and walk for a few seconds until it is fixed so noobs don't quit. If no one plays it will be boring...

    I can vouch for this as I have also tried simulating stamina just in case.

    And I have found it makes no difference whether I simulate stamina or walk or break,

    But It has got progressively worse.

  2. I'm sorry nyacinth or blowjob Ben. 

    If you don't understand my English this is not my concern. 

    Nyacinth needs to go out and get laid.

    If you wish to discuss anything other than forum matters, please use the Discord. 



  3. 12 minutes ago, Nyacinth said:

    It's called being polite. "Um," wasn't necessary and was obviously confusing to anyone who doesn't understand the English language and its nuances (plus you know him personally). Legit just a waste of time typing those two letters lmfao why even 

    you’re a bit strange aint ya buddy ?

  4. 3 minutes ago, Nyacinth said:

    It's called being polite. "Um," wasn't necessary and was obviously confusing to anyone who doesn't understand the English language and its nuances (plus you know him personally). Legit just a waste of time typing those two letters lmfao why even 


  5. 16 hours ago, ツ☬꧁ᑕYᑭᕼEᖇᑭK꧂☬シ said:

    Idk bro like discord is for 13 year olds+ and theres a lot of kids underage but the kids werent banned 

    Sorry Im not sure what youre saying.

    Its pretty simple.

    Catsbit set an age limit. 

    This guy is younger.

    Thats all there is to it.

    • Like 1

  6. 23 minutes ago, psykkoman said:

    I usually record all my game play as I edit some stuff into youtube videos, but have only been on this game for about a week now so wasn't recording me figure it out. I do however have a video I found editing last night that he indeed said he was admin in. I will post it to my youtube channel tonight under my same name I am everywhere on the internet so anyone can see. I will also be recording everything from here on out, so people cannot say I am doing wrong when and to encourage a safer environment through accountability. Thanks for letting me know there is someone out there paying attention besides "volunteers". I look forward to playing on servers this guy is not on and making some epic videos for all to enjoy!!

    blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah 





    • Haha 1
    • Confused 2

  7. 12 minutes ago, psykkoman said:

    Are you admin here? Please stop telling me I am misusing the forum in a post suggesting they have actual admins. It is an actual suggestion like my others and you do not want that to happen obviously.

    Please just stop misusing this forum.

    If you wish to discuss matters with me, you can so inside Discord.




    • Haha 2

  8. 10 minutes ago, psykkoman said:

     " Threatening to ban somebody is not a threat. " So you admit you threatened to ban someone in chat. This is what I am talking about... double speak and I have no patience for it.

    I ban people from our Discord. 

    Stop misusing this forum. 

    I am deeply embarrassed and sorry for this players posts. 

  9. @Catsbit.Dev @Catsbit.Care

    Please again, ignore this persons messages. 

    There needs to be age confirmation to play this game, because look at what is happening all the time.

    **He is complaining because we are Admin on our own Oxide Discord?**

    I dont have time for this.

    I understand this forum is for posting Bugs and Suggestions etc.

    Threatening to ban somebody is not a threat.

    When people are being abusive, we warm them to please be friendly and remind them that they have accepted terms and conditions prior to playing Oxide, and warn them that they could possibly be banned. 

    What I do is fine.

    We have a large community of people who play and we are very friendly. 

    I am sorry this player is complaining on this forum regarding me waiting outside his base.

    We can do what we want on the game as long as it is not abusive behaviour, nor offensive or humiliating.

    I have read the terms and conditions. 

    I am afraid people do not like my honesty.

    Once again I am sorry for this user misusing this forum.

    I am within my right, and I will not and have not violated terms and conditions.

    Complaining about killing while chopping wood is NOT catsbit concern.






    • Thanks 1

  10. On 8/10/2021 at 11:53 AM, Warlord Tor said:

    Absolutely! This, like rust, is shaping up and practically destined to be a competitive, pvp-oriented game. This will help keep the game alive and attract new players whether they like hunting others or the thrill of being sought after!

    I'm one of the two who voted no, but I can't argue what you just said from a business perspective ??

  11. 32 minutes ago, Emo Johnny/Bones said:

    @Catsbit.Dev @Catsbit.Dev


    this guy “2)2” is flying and walking through doors for a month now and he is still here. 

    its clearly not a bug, and lots of people seen him

    he is making people quit the game, this is not good for business.


    i repeat. this is not a bug. our base is sitting flat on the ground, so you cannot go under, but he still goes inside.

    this is clear evidence he is using game gem or something to hack.






  12. @Catsbit.Dev @Catsbit.Dev


    this guy “2)2” is flying and walking through doors for a month now and he is still here. 

    its clearly not a bug, and lots of people seen him

    he is making people quit the game, this is not good for business.


    i repeat. this is not a bug. our base is sitting flat on the ground, so you cannot go under, but he still goes inside.

    this is clear evidence he is using game gem or something to hack.


