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Everything posted by xMyBody

  1. These suggestions will massively help solo or duo players, or anyone that's unable to play Rust and wants to play Oxide for fun. 1. Adding Solo or Duo servers will benefit a lot of newcomers. Despite the fact that this game used to be more enjoyable on it's prime time with few to no exploiters made this game a lot more fun. Due to Game-Guardian's existence, people are able to use that tool, make some custom scripts to bypass vulnerabilities in order to Exploit freely throughout the game. With Solo or Duo servers, with a lot of limitation, people will be able to enjoy the game freely. 2. Auto-exploit detectors will allow to detect any abnormalities on a normal client-sided gameplay. When tools like Game-Guardian is used, it causes some kind of backdoor which allows the vulnerabilities to function, allowing exploiters to malfunction the game while benefittingly make it an unfair advantage for them. Just like #3 Rule, which kicks people out automatically for getting stuck under Bases, Stairs, etc. anti-exploit detector should have an auto kick-out feature, so it effects exploiters while killing them in the process, allowing them to lose their unfairly earned loots. 3. Timer for upcoming wipes should have already been added to the game long time ago. This helps people be aware of the server wipes or blueprint wipes, so everyone can stay prepared. Without a timer, people will be clueless to the point they'd be grinding for hours and just to notice, after the servers gotten wiped, that their effort had gone to waste. With that being said, timer should be added either on the front page or in the server menu, like the server info and the rest. 4. I've personally experienced a lot of ping drops, due to having limited access to Global Servers. Since there are only EU, BR or US servers being available at the moment, my pings are always above 200, which results in a lot of lag spikes. Due to lag spikes, although my connection being strong and my internet being smooth, it just breaks my mood whenever I am trying to PVP with other oponents or die a lot during fights. With new added settings, apart from Graphics, would allow us to have better pings. Some IMPORTANT updates that'll be highly appreciated! - Allowing people to move objects. - Triangle foundation and roof. - Bigger chests. - Larger furnaces, so more than 1 type of ore can be smelted in the same furnace, to reduce spacial consumption! - Partial auto-aim assist ( since many of the hackers already have access to auto-aim ). - Team Features ( allowing people to make their own team and add up to 4 members, and apart from the 4 members, the rest not being able to receive Cabinet Authorization ). These are some major suggestions talked about well-around and to some I agree with personal opinion and overall experiences throughout the game! Some suggestions may sound absurd, but I have tried my best to explain. In contrary to everything, exploits should be patched overall.
  2. Obviously and you missed out on the rest of the context though and it seemed like that reply was made with a bit of arrogance to it. I didnt mean to be rude to anyone around here, besides ive been lurking through every servers asking people when its getting wiped since @Catsbit.Care haven't included a wipe timer, so everyone else is a bit clueless. Its about time from them to drop a minor update, and a bit of information regarding wipe time line on their menu page or in server gui.
  3. You can on both of my posts replied like you know everything. I said i was expecting server wipe because every servers are getting more and more quieter, not because i got raided? Don't be an arrogant member, i was just asking when its getting wiped so i can start over fresh. If you dont want to be nice to someone dont reply to their posts.
  4. how do i show proof of ownership to that account? Mind you, i have not played in that account for awhile and i dont need to hack into my own old database. I wish i can show proof, but i dont have any screenshots to proof it. I emailed them or left a review on their game in playstore, maybe that's only proof i have.
  5. I want to have a fresh start since I got raided, when are the EU servers getting wiped?
  6. yeah so since oxide doesnt support google play games, I lost access to my old account. i had to uninstall the game for an account and when I downloaded it again to play it, it logged me out of my account, asking me to make a new one.