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About Connor

  • Birthday 11/11/2006

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  1. 97AFA804BC10BD48 (MY ID- message hidden because of a file)
  2. Its above, please give -_-
  3. @HH.Care ID: 97AFA804BC10BD48
  4. GPA.3366-1101-3947-53953 is the transaction ID i bought prime, took money but no prime
  5. My nickname should be ConnorDude I am sure. But my ban does not show my ID I do have my old usernames also
  6. I was banned a while ago and want an unban, but my ID does not show
  7. Connor

    UPDATE 0.4

    game is lagging every few min and freezes for every1 lol
  8. you also have to think about IOS as they do not have another sign in option.
  9. Connor

    Update 0.3.6

    its only little money
  10. Connor

    Update 0.3.6

    Це також полегшує нам вбити твою нубську хакерську дупу
  11. Connor

    Update 0.3.6

    So what happens to the cheater now?
  12. Connor

    Update 0.3.6

    yes, like im going to buy everything ❤️