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  1. GPA.3366-1101-3947-53953 is the transaction ID i bought prime, took money but no prime
  2. Use 35 prime hacker Mcl arabian clan I think they all need to be banned and I want the admins to follow them because this is a PRIME server I hope they get banned and let me know about it and if I didn't give enough information, please contact me I left the video here because for some reason I can't from below
  3. Jut

    Prime Br Server

    Hello, I wold like to ask if you wonder to open a Br Prime Server?? We are a lot of LATAM people playing and the 2 Prime Servers that already exists, give lag to us when we play there. Thanks 🤠
  4. Здравствуйте, хотелось бы узнать вы планируете добавлять PVE Prime сервер? Некоторые игроки играют только на PVE серверах, сейчас на них много читеров которые используют авто-фарм, тем самым получают очень много ресурсов нечего не делая. Мои знакомые жаловались на то что всю карту сфармливают боты на авто-фарме. Если бы вы добавили PVE сервер на который могли заходить игроки с купленным Prime статусом этой проблемы бы не было. @Catsbit.Care @Catsbit.Dev @Catsbit.Guard
  5. хакер 27-го уровня с использованием волшебных пуль хакера.
  6. Add the option to gift prime to Friends. So we can buy primer for others. And also make a Prime BR server. Thanks!
  7. IT HAPPENED AGAIN Exactly he made the refund because he did not receive the product in his account he made a new purchase on another account and again the prime didn't go into his account, you should check this because this is the third time that a friend of mine has purchased and the prime hasn't gone into their account here is his new account and proof
  8. hello, I also want to buy prime on account, but he writes to me that as if he exists, how can I fix the situation?
  9. hello, I still want to smoke prime on account, but he writes to me that as if he exists how can I fix the situation?
  10. I would like to suggest that you do х2 A server on Prime then many players would buy Prime for this because it is very profitable and cool when there is 1 server Х2 So please add
  11. Player id: D6905B74985DEA18 96 EU Убивает с аимкилла наших людей, срочно бан! Доказательство :
  12. hacker id: C076EC8CF65C9269 video proof: screen:
  13. Cheater on the prime server please block him. His ID is D093BD421A727C51
  14. Дух


    I bought a prime, yesterday at 23.45. Went to sleep in the morning I go to the acc there is no prime, the payment went through
  15. I bought a prime, yesterday at 23.45. Went to sleep in the morning I go to the acc there is no prime, the payment went through ID : COF65CCAB3DDD482
  16. -Ress-


    Читак с аимом убивает были в рт хотели Ева а он 2человек тупо с калаша зажал и убил с 13 метров с калаша... Айди 67D6E206761681DF
  17. dear friends of the moment prime server chaos 2 cheaters have not been banned for a week now.I hope now the developer will take up the prime server. please ban id:366AB92E9FDEC939 name:ReY*SaD18+ please ban id:F78BDA8DE2E39DA9 name:bav_player2
  18. The main account plays with cheats 2 account twink ID F6A2311F46878AC7
  19. We bought a prime server to get rid of the cheats in eu8, but we still encounter the same table.
  20. Здравствуйте на прайме играют два игрока которые друзья и играют в дуо на них уже много жалоб было но не как не банят, уже прошло около недели, вот есть 3 пруфа.
  21. 2 cheaters on prime server. id: 366AB92E9FDEC939 id: F78BDA8DE2E39DA9 please ban hackers
  22. Hi, I'm having problems accessing the Prime server among other servers, but Prime is what I care about the most, because I'm creating content for my videos on it, in addition to having paid to use it. I've already tried clearing cache memory and clearing data, installing and uninstalling the app, as well as deleting all friends from the friends list and the problem remains. Apparently whenever I disconnect inside a building, even if it's mine, as long as it doesn't get destroyed from walls to ceiling (through decay or someone raiding), I can't relog with my Server account, it cost me over 400 of burnt sulfur. I was only able to reconnect after the entire base had decayed and they had already raided. I'm sure it's not an internet problem, because in the same video I show that I can log into a server with a Ping higher than the Prime Server. I ask for your help to resolve this situation, because as it is, I have become increasingly discouraged with the game, supporting hackers from all sides and now this problem is complicated. Grateful. The video is having trouble uploading, so I'll be providing the video Vídeo: link. Username: NettoBR0
  23. I’d think it would be cool if people who own prime get more things like server creation or prime only recipes or something more than no ads and prime server access i just think if you have prime you deserve more for 10 bucks and for russians ——————————————————Я думаю, было бы здорово, если бы люди, владеющие праймом, получали больше таких вещей, как создание сервера или рецепты только для прайма, или что-то большее, чем отсутствие рекламы и доступ к прайм-серверу. Я просто думаю, что если у вас есть прайм, вы заслуживаете большего за 10 баксов.