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Fuels to burn in new furnaces/Топливо для сжигания в новых печах

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Ну, я знаю, что вы, вероятно, не ответите на من پیشنهاد.

Я тоже пишу для своего سرдца.

Предмет этого предложения - использование топлива для печей

Po-moemu, эти печи - не обычные печи!

Metallicheskie Pechi, также известные как масляные печи, разблокируются на 9 уровне и изучаются с 100 کوсками

2.5 یا 3 ماده و می تواند در فلزی 2،5 یا 3 مورد استفاده شود.

Надеюсь, вы дадите мне ответ, разработчики оксидов

Есть ли надежда на это предложение

Оно может быть очень полезным для фермеров

Что вы думаете، игроки и участники انجمن؟




خب میدانم که به پیشنهادات من جوابی به احتمال زیاد نمی‌دهید.

من برای دل خودم هم مینویسم.

موضوع این پیشنهاد استفاده از سوخت ها برای کوره ها است.

این کوره ها در ذهن من ، کوره های عادی و معمولی معمولی!!

کوره های فلزی که به کوره های نفتی هم گفته می شود، این کوره ها در سطح ۹ باز می شوند با ۱۰۰ قراضه آموخته می شوند.

خب سوخت ها می توانند ۲.۵ یا ۳ ایتم را بسوزانند و فقط در کوره های فلزی قابل سوختن هستند.

امیدوارم که جوابی به من بدهید تولید کننده اکساید.

آیا امیدی به این پیشنهاد است؟

می تواند برای فارمر ها بسیار مفید باشد.

نظر شما بازیکنان و شرکت کنندگان در انجمن چیست؟!


خوب، می دانم که احتمالاً به پیشنهادات من پاسخ نخواهید داد.

من هم برای دلم می نویسم.

موضوع این پیشنهاد استفاده از سوخت برای کوره ها می باشد.

به نظر من این کوره ها کوره های معمولی نیستند!!

کوره های فلزی که به کوره های نفتی نیز معروف هستند در سطح 9 باز می شوند و با 100 ضایعات یاد می گیرند.

خوب، سوخت ها می توانند 2.5 یا 3 مورد را بسوزانند و فقط در کوره های فلزی سوزانده می شوند.

امیدوارم پاسخ توسعه دهندگان اکسید را به من بدهید.

آیا امیدی به این پیشنهاد وجود دارد؟

می تواند برای کشاورزان بسیار مفید باشد.

نظر شما بازیکنان و شرکت کنندگان در انجمن چیست؟!


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Неужели это не стоит простого ответа?

Простое согласие и несогласие, просто да или нет!


واقعاً این موضوع ارزش یک پاسخ ساده را ندارد؟

فقط یک موافقت و مخالفت ساده ، فقط یک بله یا خیر!


Is this really not worth a simple answer?

Just a simple agree and disagree, just a yes or no!

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39 minutes ago, Nelson1 said:

Anyone who doesn't understand what he's trying to mean is they should add a oil refinery to make it easier to obtain fuel this would as well lead to adding crude oil to make it more similar to reality whereby in real sense crude oil produces products such as fuel oil, stuff like propane you get what I mean .

My theory to how this all should turn out in case it's added to an update:

1: Adding crude oil which can only be obtained by looting military crates from the nuclear silo in power plant with a 45% spawn in every time the crates spawn back in.

2:The actual refinery added to the tech tree for at least 400/450 scrap to research .

3: Actual cost of making a refinery ;


500-metal fragments 


4:The refinery to have a HP of 1000 like metal foundations should basically be more strong than the quarry since most of it is metal so logically should be strong to avoid enemies from just raiding it so easy.

5: Yield,the oil refinery should give at least 3 fuel per 2 crude oil.This is to at least profit from it's rarity even in spawning in military crates.

6: Burn cost,2 wood required to burn 1 crude oil.


Any solo would truly want this added in an update simply because it's not always easy being under pressure to craft so many items from armor to guns and ammo fuel then medkit , gunpowder so to ease some of the crafting madness the oil refinery could just burn up the crude oil making fuel which can then ease your work in crafting meds necessary for pvp and in raids.

I have my own proposal as well adding charcoal note not coal it's already in game charcoal in the other hand should be added and be made a resource necessary to craft rockets to reduce the crazy/mad raids everyone been seeing in YouTube like this sh*t to easy 200 rocket like wtf is this even a survival game you can imagine wtf is going to happen on a server with a clan max size of about 12 people each person having a total of 30 rockets each just to assume as an average player can be able to farm all that in one day probably more and craft them then move whole clan raiding whole server basically that server would be unplayable due to the clan domination requiring players to wait till next update to stand a chance to play alongside the clans for mayb a day or 2 then whole server back to same madness boring as hell

Anyone who's read to this far I'm grateful if you think the proposal is not great or is actually great make sure to comment you thoughts it's an open forum anyway .

Your idea is good but I mean something else.

Game fuels are not used for burning in furnaces as a fuel like wood or coal.

Fuels must be able to be used to burn other items in the furnace.

which can add a heater, a level 2 oven. In level nine, you can learn by using 200 scraps.

The burning speed of this furnace is higher and it only uses fuels and it can be made with 100 metals. Yes, it should be easier to get fuels.

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30 minutes ago, Nelson1 said:

Oh I understand what you meant now thank you.

But small bit of negative not opposing your idea I do support it but adding a furnace that uses fuel to burn resources such as sulfur and metal will make things hard as you have to farm animals obtain leather and fat make fuel then use it or by what you suggested obtaining ready made fuel from regular crates this wouldn't be much used considering regular furnaces can still be used and the fuel from crates will just be used to make medkits making it more easier for players to pvp rather than using it to burn resources.

I do support you though, so don't take it too negative 

Thank you for your support.

Yes, according to your statements, fuel can be obtained by burning oil and can be found in boxes.

These two ideas become a complement to each other and that is good.

This furnace may be useless according to some people, but

There are those who bring home 2 or 3 thousand resources such as metal to burn, but a lot of furnaces are needed so that your efficiency can be done in a shorter period of time, which as you know, in addition to the long time it takes, it attracts the attention of other players. It brings you to your house and every moment you have to worry about the destruction of yourself and your beautiful base that is filling up in front of your eyes.

But by using these furnaces, you can burn 2 or 3 times more items.

Pray for your and my proposal to come true.

I wrote another topic about the consumption of fuels in hand lanterns, which requires making it easier to obtain fuels.

(In "Halloween Forever" topic, you can collect more information with this suggestion.)

thanks again

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