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Update, or not, we need to get a wipe soon.

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Hey, Peenerweener again.

update or not, we need to get another wipe. Hackers are ravaging servers with their pre-crafted and researched weapons, and there is a ton of clans with everything researched taking over servers and not even letting noobs start out their journey. 

Not to mention, the servers are starting to lag a lot too.

A wipe would give everyone a fair chance again. 

- peenerweener 

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5 hours ago, xAnonyPowerZ said:

Oke esta es mi ultima respuesta segun el termino 


Hace apenas un mes hubo una actualización menor.

Quizás ninguno de ustedes lo haya visto todavía. Hay algunos errores corregidos.

En la actualización más grande (nuevos elementos/características) Habrá un borrado ya que es parte de la actualización.

Esta pregunta sobre actualización/eliminación la recibimos diariamente en el foro con el mismo mensaje cada vez. Y ese mensaje no será cambiado. 

Hasta que haya más información.


En Noticias se compartirá la información con todos. Cuándo ocurrirá la limpieza/actualización. Mientras tanto, sea paciente ?  y deje que los desarrolladores hagan su trabajo y se concentren en el juego. 

Básicamente ignoramos mensajes como este. Ya que como dije es casi a diario la misma pregunta. 

But one question the Programmers work hard don't tell me in the performances I have not seen an improvement to the game they did not fix the lag of the players and other Errors but you always invent an excuse to make people calm down

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Just now, LeoMasterZ said:

Pero una pregunta los Programadores trabajan duro no me digan en las actuaciones no he visto una mejora en el juego no arreglaron el lag de los jugadores y otros Errores pero siempre inventan una excusa para que la gente se calme

It is not like this ?

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On 2/23/2022 at 1:50 PM, xAnonyPowerZ said:

Oke this is my last reply according to the term 


Just a month ago there was a minor update.

Perhaps non of you guys have seen it yet. There are few bugs fixt.

On the bigger update ( new items / features) There will be a wipe since that is part of the update.

This question about update/ wipe we are getting Daily on the forum's with every time the same message.  And that message will not be changed. 

Until there is more information.


In News will the information be shared with everyone. When the wipe/ update will happen. Meanwhile be patient ?  and let the developers do their work and focus on the game. 

We basically just ignore message like this. Since like I said it's almost daily the same question. 

Hey xAnony,

I have to agree with you. I see the updates you all have done and appreciate all the work you and others have put in.

I cant speak for anyone esle but here's why I think having some servers "wipe" is requested.

If a cheater doesnt have the blueprints to get a gun it makes dying to them super hard. It evens that playing field just a little bit. Even though that cheater can speed hack to resources. They still have to farm it up. (Unless theres a cheat that gives them an instant item i dont know about) 

I started uploading videos of your game and people have enjoyed watching and im guessing downloading the game to play. 

You have a fun mobile game that I can see get better. The players are giving you their opinion that if we have a set amont of servers that wiped (not all) that we could enjoy this game now more with all the cheaters. 

I wouldnt even mind paying you to add some servers that wipe helping me record videos that are more fun for people viewing and give the experience players want. 

You could even set your game up where you have the free to play servers and then have people pay a 1 time or every 4 months flat fee to have access to the servers that wipe.

Just some suggestions that could help with players enjoyment, cost of business expenses, and overall experience. 

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On 2/23/2022 at 6:57 PM, xAnonyPowerZ said:

Do you say they didn't show any thing they fixt?

*Fixt ; in the last few updates. 

The anti cheat system (You don't get kicked for everything)

Glich in bases (cheaters) fixt. 

And minor fixes. 


The current update is getting delayed because of 1 big thing that will be added. And when this works 100% 

They will update the game. 

It's beter  if they delay the updates rather then add it and update.

Since we as the players have to deal with all the extra bugs it will give. I have you have full understanding about this. 


( no excuses just facts) 

What big thing is getting the update delayed?

we have had almost no communication in regards to the update. 

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4 hours ago, Peenerweener said:

¿Qué gran cosa es retrasar la actualización?

casi no hemos tenido comunicación con respecto a la actualización. 

That is true, how do we know if they are going to update? I ask you for a replication @xAnonyPowerZ

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5 hours ago, xAnonyPowerZ said:

Well it has been said on a few questions about (update) and it got the message under it. 

Like I said..

This still gets als almost daily. So i ignore it

Please show us 

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