Hello - @Catsbit.Care / @Catsbit.Dev
All people again are asking the same thing.
Here we are again, asking the same thing, since january you told update was 70%, and now 5 months, and 6 from update, has been passed, and we keep still here, waiting for a just update to remove cheaters, and reply.
but all people is tired, we are been waiting 6 month, and you come only in fórum to reply cheaters and bugs, but keep ignoring us in update time or questions like.
now, 7s tools has been cracked, and half of servers is hacking. Is your fault? No, i know isn't your fault. But what can you do?
update the game for we play the game without suffer by cheaters.
please, reply your players, you abandoned your game, or tired tho?
? I guess we deserve to know.. @Catsbit.Care