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Everything posted by Slick916

  1. The paid items that I have paid for with MY MONEY, I should be able to trade these items in the vending machine or Give them to my friends to use. Remove the unable to use because not purchased shit so we can share with friends and trade in vending machines to make scrap and other stuff. It will make the game more enjoyable for all
  2. You should bring back the old map, make it a option where you can choose to play new map or old map
  3. They listened to me and pve is way better amd less laggy now
  4. So I found a new item that will be released soon in the game... Bluberries
  5. @Catsbit.Dev Are you going to do your damn job. This player has been causing chaos for over 2 weeks
  6. @Catsbit.Guard do your job this akim player is annoying as fuck and he admits openly to cheating
  7. @Catsbit dev @Catsbit.Care @Catsbit.Guard
  8. Then those servers will just get clogged with too many tcs and same thing will happen. In pve only should be allowed 1 tc it will fix the server restarts and lag instantly
  9. The only reason it is so laggy and so many restarts is because the server is overwhelmed with so many tcs and bases and decorations. If catsbit limited players to 1 tc a player it would solve this problem instantly
  10. Pve severs lag severely all because the players add 10 million tcs every where and clog the server with bases every where and without being able to raid them they just sit there and take up space. A very easy way to fix this problem is to limit each player to have 1 tc only. That would fix the lag instantly
  11. They will not accept any payments from Russia because Russia is at war
  12. Madmaximus is the most straight player in this game, he has played for 3 years or more and never used cheats ever. Why did you guys ban him. You better get on it and unban his account. He never has cheated and never would. Fix this asap @Catsbit dev @Catsbit.Care
  14. @Catsbit.Guard DO YOUR FUCKING JOB
  15. Slick916


    Yes there is dumbass go to the website and read
  16. Slick916


    Rust mobile is in development and will be released this year. Goodbye oxide it was nice knowing you. If you go to facepunch website it tells you that mobile version is in development. @Catsbit.Care @Catsbit.Dev @Catsbit.Guard you guys should have listened to your community and made a good anti cheat because once rust mobile is released all your community is gone and leaving all you will have left is cheaters and hackers.. you fucked up a good game
  17. @Catsbit dev @Catsbit.Care @Catsbit.Guard
  18. You can literally add admins to servers and hackers would drop by 98%...
  19. @Catsbit.Guard do your job
  20. @Catsbit.Care @Catsbit.Dev @Catsbit.Guard DO YOUR FUCKING JOB
  21. @Catsbit.Guard ban him he is being a menace
  22. Slick916


    You still a little bitch?