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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/10/2024 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Итак что я могу сказать уже 2 года мы просим анти чит но нас будто не слышат разрабы, я предлагаю нам всем НЕ покупать в в магазине оксайд турели, машины, вертолеты, што б админы увидели что без анти Чита не кто не будет донатить в игру и будем ждать, я хочу жить без читов!
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
    So I know you just released a new update with the recycler but I've noticed a pattern with your updates recently. Most of the time when there is new content it's usually on a holiday but adds a new kind of mechanic to the game. Some examples: 2023 Halloween update (Added level system and lumberjack npc and foggy weather) 2023 Winter update (Added team system) Don't get me wrong I don't mind the holidays but It's easy outweighed by the fact that the only other type of content is paid cosmetics. So what I'm trying to say is yes Anti cheat is top priority, but I suggest next update is not a new type of system or mechanic, but rather new content for the players as the last time we saw new items was the Radiation Update. Of course I'm trying my best to sound like I'm not rushing you or asking for tons of things, but adding to the core game. Here's a list of not specific but general things I would like to see in future updates. •More types of buildings/Crafting stations to encourage more base work. (NOT PAID COSMETICS) •Working on the environment and animals. •Adding new items in the workbench tech tree. •Improvements to the Gold shop. Sincerely, That one guy.
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
    all they care about is money lol they don’t care about what the game actually needs they don’t listen to their players at all they’re just continuously making the game worse that’s why they’ve lost so many players
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    Hi there, all the servers will be wiped today at 13:00 (GMT) I remind you that all the progress will be removed (except levels) Enjoy your day!
  8. 1 point
    Зид выйдет очень не скоро. До фермы оксайду ещё долеко им бы с читерами справится. А вот на счёт магазинов было бы очень круто если бы можно было покупать предметы за скрап)
  9. 1 point
    Hi there, all the servers will be wiped within 1-2 hours. I remind you that all the progress will be removed, except levels. enjoy your day!