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Everything posted by bjb3n

  1. bjb3n


    dos this make me a hacker !?!
  2. @TAC7 did you make that picture? it looks awesome.
  3. I also really hope they add an AR-15
  4. if you want to have a game clan that's grate just don't turn this into an exclusive gang I'm just kidding I don't care especially cuz you wouldn't let me join ?
  5. bjb3n

    More stuff to add

    can you add an adminastrativ setting that alows people who joind your server to save your map if you alow them too
  6. bjb3n

    More stuff to add

    could you also mack it so you can comunacate with ne spacifick player without all the other players seeing wot you have just typed
  7. bjb3n

    More stuff to add

    can you also mack is posible to choos costom colers for the wall/seling/floor blocs so thare is more variety
  8. bjb3n

    More stuff to add

    would you add a new wall & floor asset that is 1/4 of the size of the normol for more desin posobilityes
  9. bjb3n

    More stuff to add

    can you add a seting that alows you to lower th texturs on just the game objects, and not the butins