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Posts posted by bjb3n

  1. oh my goodness!!!!.


    but is that a free 3d modal or a real thing.


    if its not already modeled and rigged. then kiss it goodbye.

    the devs are already really buzzy with just, core mechanics.

    they don't have time to be 3d modelers, animators, riggers, textures, etc.


    you never know though,

    a tone of Catsbit's assets look modified,

    and a quite a few look completely original .


    keep your toes crossed.

  2. on the topic of friend lists.

    On 5/12/2021 at 1:01 PM, ♤♤ JΛDΣ ♤♤ said:


    "Friend lists, where you can add people to be your friend"


    I don't think the game should just let some random person press a "friend button", and now they can stalk you for ever.

    I think that the 2 party's must agree, and both press a button verifying that they want to friend each other.


    just saying ?


    I just want this game to stay safe and fun for everyone.


  3. @Firestar9990


    by "break fast by weapens" he cold also mean...


    seriously man,? the weapons brake so farting fast, it is so annoying!!! pleeeeaaaasssseeee fix this right away, and Mack them deteriorate slower so I can uses them, till Kingdome come!!!.?

    or the exact opposite...

    doooooood the weapons' tack so long to brake.? I just want to recraft and repair... infact that's the whole resin why I got this game, I love collecting resources and crafting things, only to have them brake so I can do it all over again!!!? I want to craft and repair till Kingdome come!!!.

  4. every one is telling Catsbit to remove the prop limit, but none is telling them how that are gong to solve the optimization eschew

    lemy explain...


    their are 2 kinds of props 


    game-objects with physics.  (the little bouncing apple, or bottle, or CHAINSAW!!!) ("rigidbody enabled")

    and game-objects with no physics.  (walls, the watchtower, the helipad,) ("rigidbody disabled")


    if an object has physics it means that you're phone must calculate gravity and other physics related processes, and  then render that motion, including the motion of objects out of the camera view (so when you turn around objects aren't floating in space) this slows you phone down and reduces the frame rate. (you have probably witnessed this when you placed too many cars.)

    if an object dose not have physics enabled, you phone has an ez time rendering. and runs well with even large quantities of props.


    I think that, catsbit should give those two kinds of objects different prop limits.


  5. I'm so glad to hear that!


    I feel like I have been seeing less moders lately,

    witch is probably due too there bad reputation, and just the fact that the novelty has started to were off.

    I am pretty confident that in a copple of month's, update, or no update, the game will slowly return to a

    "more or less" normal state.


    but you never know people are unpredictable, literally anything could happen?.

    keep your fingers crossed ? 


    have fun, and game hard... just not too hard ?