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  1. IllWIll


    Update on update?
  2. I cannot express my opinion on the internet about cheating, and creating cheats. Might end up in jail over it ? I can tell you that the little bastards are on youtube selling it.
  3. IllWIll

    New forum tab?

    Sorry folks, been working a lot lately. Gotta make the ching ching. Im waiting for the new update whenever it is. Im sure it will be great.
  4. Homed in on me with esp, high dmg bullet hack instantly while in full metal armor
  5. Ez going group must speak english. RULES no cheating Team Work required (occasional farming/role assignment) No polotics/Racism in chat or discord. Once Per Day Log In Discord Mandatory Plans for future squad play ( serious tactics and strategy) for mature dedicated players. Plans for casual players living quarters and furnaces. Reply to this thread for interview.
  6. IllWIll

    New forum tab?

    Hows your day going?
  7. IllWIll

    New forum tab?

    What ever is quick and easy for you. Thanks!
  8. IllWIll

    New forum tab?

    Quick and easy to use ? please and thanks.
  9. IllWIll

    New forum tab?

    Can we have a forum tab for clan recruiting? Also any english speaking players want to team? Reply here. I play often when not working.
  10. Was in my base so dont know who. Official 6. Kid has a rapid eco raid hack.
  11. IllWIll

    why cheat

    Im positive the devs do not support cheating. It hurts their business. What I like about the dev is that they ban cheaters a lot. Fill out reports, take screen shots and be patient, the game is not yet complete, and they cant admin 24/7.
  12. You can open items behind an armored door from the very bottom of the door ?
  13. If hacking was not out of control, i would agrea with a timer. But when Mr ESP follows you accross the map, knows exactly where your tc is, and can instant kill you, or misses zero shots... the only thing a legit player can do is DC. Taking DC away before the hacking is dealt with, will only assist the hackers... and hurt legit players...
  14. Until hacking, esp harrassment, high bullet damage, aim assist, big head mode etc are dealt with, i sincerely hope you dont add pvp timer... it is the only current defense against hacking. Adding pvp timer will make sure the hacker gets his kill. Same thing with raid timer. what we need are things and additions that help legit players against the hackers. Like give us ladders, so even legit players can get to a roof, or give us spikes on walls, or spikes we can put on our roofs. Making every gun have a laser that shows exaxtly where you are pounting will also help with video evidence to show hacking. The people complaining about DC etc... are likely the ones who arw using third party programs anyway, and dont want their advantage taken away. The best advice any dev should take PLAY YOUR GAME as tho you where a customer.
  15. Official 6 High damage bullets. Killed me more or less instantly at distance while i was in full metal armor. Im done playing until you fix this. And im pissed off to have spent like 40 bucks on your game. I could have eaten several times for that... seriously wtf...