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  1. Hello, please unban me, I was banned by mistake. I calmly played oxide on the 21st, put a workbench near the door (I thought I would open the building hammer and take it away), studied the building hammer, but because of a bug in the game I could not craft it. I wanted to leave the house, climbed onto the workbench, started climbing between the workbench and the doorway, but suddenly I was banned. I've been playing your game for about 2 years now and have never played with cheats. Players could complain about me because I am not friends with many players on the server and I kill them. I'm a very good shot and many players even call me a cheater, BUT THAT's NOT TRUE! @Catsbit.Care @Catsbit.Guard ID:C1328FBCBAD8CA8E or B94E8A0040A76549 Nickname: ПИСЮН БОБРА5 Level: 12
  2. Kovax


    How long does the turret vote last ???
  3. I don't know why I was suddenly Banned,,, Just a while ago my signal was weak and then I killed the naked person on the road Then suddenly I was kicked and then im trying to reconect i shock because my Account got Banned :Please help me get my account Back ID: 495F417473931F26 Oxide developer is so deceitful, I was suddenly banned for Fucking Internet pleasee Oxideee doo your jobb!!!7
  4. Kovax

    When ???

    Когда это починят, чтобы при приземлении вертолёт не швырял на другой конец света??? Когда это починят, чтобы при приземлении вертолёт не швырял на другой конец света???
  5. Please Catsbit ban these 2 hackers permanently from server #US 26, they are hackers and teleported to my house. hope you help me! ID:1514544130FECE6 ID:4228126763EEC5AD @Catsbit.Care
  6. GravityBait

    Bug Ban

    Plz help me I get ban I didn't do anything pls unban me I think it's bug plz unban me
  7. Читер, играющий с Самонаводкой, и аимкиллом. Сервер:42 EU Никнейм и айди на скриншотах Доказательства предоставить не могу , так как не позволяет формат устройства, надеюсь на понимание:( Дата:21.05.23
  8. Этот игрок оскорблял родителей игрока, за то что он защищал игру Сервер:42EU Никнейм и Айди на скриншотах Дата 21.05.23. Жду скорейшего бана, отпишите если игрок будет забанен, пожалуйста.
  9. ID: 847DBC8373D6C346 Ban these hackers pls ?
  10. Dear catsbit, you saw my another topics and you know who i am.Soo i wanted to do a bit better anticheat system.Soo 1. Add new speed detecting thing 2.New aim detection 3.Admins 4.Admin can be player who recommended himself and he has good experience in this game.Catsbit please reply,i really care about this game❤️
  11. Hey catsbit I had a idea and I saw that u will not be adding sleeper and I think that is great cause it will prevent lag but for us pvpers we we get very annoyed when we use 30-50 bullets and a full metal player for them to dc and not come back on its a waste of time so I was thinking you could add a 10 second cool down for disconnecting like when u click pause and then click disconnect u have to wait 10 seconds so that we have time to finish them of instead of wasting ammo on someone who's gonna dc it would make pvp way better and less annoying I'm sure another of people will agree let me know what yall think about this and please consider thanks guys
  12. Hey catsbit I had a idea and I saw that u will not be adding sleeper and I think that is great cause it will prevent lag but for us pvpers we we get very annoyed when we use 30-50 bullets and a full metal player for them to dc and not come back on its a waste of time so I was thinking you could add a 10 second cool down for disconnecting like when u click pause and then click disconnect u have to wait 10 seconds so that we have time to finish them of instead of wasting ammo on someone who's gonna dc it would make pvp way better and less annoying I'm sure another of people will agree let me know what yall think about this and please consider thanks guys
  13. Пожалуйста, почините железную броню, игра становится очень скучной, потому что игроку нужно много времени, чтобы умереть, а с новыми аптечками становится очень неприятно тратить сотни пуль и, в конце концов, невозможность убить кто-нибудь, пожалуйста, исправьте это, игра была намного веселее без железной брони или, по крайней мере, без снижения ее прочности. Если вы меня плохо понимаете, это потому, что я пользуюсь переводчиком, извините.
  14. Recorded hacker on 23 eu server,here is proofs and id,his nickname is ?($)
  15. Joni


    Привет, я бы хотел узнать, я нахожусь в России, если я куплю на другом аккаунте услугу из Доната? Который зарегистрирован через впн? , шапку или коптер, вы сможете перенести на мой основной
  16. Сервер 23,бесконечные оскорбления в сторону родни,буллинг и унижение начинающих игроков,прошу забанить игрока навсегда
  17. Uses ar and aimbot dead in 2 seconds