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Posts posted by PotatoGuy13

  1. On 8/31/2020 at 12:23 PM, MrMeowmers said:

    Please remove the building limit Catsbit, please

    That shouldn't be a great idea, as well there would be alot of lag, it would be good if it were 5000 as limit

  2. 8 hours ago, Firestar9990 said:

    OK. i got a Chromebook for Christmas and was wondering if i should get SS on it, thanks for telling me this.

    I searched a bit, and SS is not for PC, I'm very sorry about this. 


  3. On 4/15/2020 at 1:17 AM, skeppy guy said:

    a server host from you like fit 100players or 300 any thing 

    I don't think that would happen.

    First of all the game wouldn't handle so many players

    2 the servers would be full of hackers

    3 The Map size inst enough for that many players!

  4. On 10/30/2020 at 12:33 AM, Wendlel said:

    Hi there !

    I've played this game for almost a year and I see some changes the bugs were gone ! But not until I'm disconnected (connection prroblem)from the game with a full inventory and I made a server again , to my surprise half of my inventory were gone ! I tried to restart the game 3 times but half of my inventory were still gone( maybe because of my internet connection), later on I managed to make a house and new items but I saw hackers joining my server and they kill other players, giving them guns, and making themselves invincible, so I kicked them and I join other servers and statred chopping woods and mining irons . While I am smelting my fuels are gone so I chop a tree with an axe but I can't gather wood I checked my inventory but nothing . This problem also happened on my LG phone earlier the phone i used this time is Nokia 1 . 

    I hope this will be fixed and also add some hacker proofing so that the game will be fair. Overall i still enjoy the game

    @Wendlel this problem is very common and it's planned to be fixed on the next update, please be patient.


    Note: When you make a world and get stuff it will be saved on the world u made, if u join in another world and go back to it won't be saved, so I recommend u don't make a server if u gonna join another

    • Thanks 1

  5. On 1/11/2021 at 11:12 AM, JZR said:

    Lo que pasa es que llevábamos 3 horas jugando en el server que cree yo y era privado era un server que solo jugábamos mi hermano y yo entonces como puedo volver a conseguir la casa que tenía o en concreto el server 

    JZR te recomiendo no entrar en servers públicos si vas a jugar con alguien en privado, ya que las estructuras no se guardan, este es un bug común que se espera ser resolvió en la próxima versión, si planeas jugar con tu hermanito te recomiendo no meterte en un server público, además de puedes encontrar hackers.


    Espero esto te aya ayudado

  6. When I made a bow it didn't have Cooldown so I could literally spam it and kill anyone in like 5 seconds, when the bow broked it have seem that the bug dissapear, idk what happened but the bug was insanely broken, u could destroy/kill Anything in 5 seconds (depending on u aim).

    I hope this gets fixed.