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  1. They just want to get back amount of money they paid for the game in just a month from players 🀣
  2. Servers US2 Id:38C8EB46A4ACD617 Spider Hack x Aimbot
  3. @HH.Careare you f**** crazy guy you just ignore my banned report And You just banned 1lvl noobs hackers!! hope hacker distory your game and you all guys lose your jobs 🀬
  4. Eu21 lvl 25 Ρ…Π»ΡŽΠΏΠΈΠΊ.. D644894BCC1D9294
  5. Yes it’s to expansive @HH.Care
  6. SudipYT


  7. @HH.Care well thx, I don’t need your help. I fix it myself
  8. Bruh @HH.Care help me u can’t login my ios id
  9. SudipYT

    Winter update

    @HH.Carehelp iOS login problem
  10. @HH.Careunlink this account ID: 3546B06CF7628E0A when I try to login my game it is showing this unknown 1lvl account this is my real account:ID: 1E9B9498A46D0C92 18lvl I'd Please help Few minutes ago ago, it is showing game Centre no longer exist login with apple Now currently, it is showing Authentication failed. Signature does not match the authentication request data