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About Fellas

  • Birthday 06/06/2005

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  1. Yea, me farming fuel for mashine and same thing.
  2. Hello, Catsbits. Today (katik) I'm playing on the eu30 server and I came back from the farm I had 1,100sulfur 3000metal 2154stone and without running I killed two hackers I managed to get their id it's a pity then I didn't take a video to prove it but if you can block it ID: A9C441034A8E0901 ID: 1F7F79042F546715
  3. Sveiki, Katsbitai. Norėjau pranešti apie eu30 serverio įsilaužėlį. Aš neturiu įrodymų, bet turiu jo asmens tapatybę ID: 9D5E111A4E0145A7
  4. Hello, catsbits I am writing you a message to maintain the servers. Everywhere is full of hackers, we and the xanony sudip yt community created a channel called players ban report, we use them to protect oxide from hackers, and I received information from several people that you can fill out a form on your forum to get to the server admin, and I thought, since that's how I try to report them so that they wouldn't be, that's why I thought I wrote a letter about the administrator. But here is the question whether you will accept or give something to fill here already for you to decide. Sincerely Elas
  5. Fellas


    Sveiki, kaip sistema pasakė, kad gavau baną už aimbot bet. Pagal jus naudoju aimbot, nors naudoju ne android, o iphone. Taigi aš turiu naudoti aimbot 0%. Išeinu, jei yra kas nors namuose ir ID Paskyros pavadinimas – ElasYT Sąskaitos ID – 4F19EE685D84E75D
  6. Fellas


    And one more thing I forgot to add. Well if thats so. That i have been using (cheats) according to you. Then explain how to use it on IOS? Since i have a Iphone....
  7. Fellas


    Hello, I understand you, the system is writing to you, I got insurance for the use of aimbot, but the account was issued for 30 euros, I couldn't use it because 30 euros is a lot of money for me, and I was going to buy prime with this update, but before the update I got insurance, then I started working for more money and how did the update appear? I had it, I don't know how to download it and I don't have it, I know you won't believe it, but I didn't want to lose 30 euros, so please understand me and maybe you'll unblock it, but it's up to you, I can't decide for you. if gu ka I write id and name. Account Name – ElasYT Account ID – 4F19EE685D84E75D
  8. Hmm. first, I don't even know where to get cheats and how to use them
  9. Sveiki. situacija tokia. Buvau nusipirkęs malūnsparnį, fejerverkus, eglutę ir kalėdines lemputes ir šiandien 14:48 gavau draudimą skristi su malūnsparniu ir netyčia atsitrenkiau į žemę ir sraigtasparnis sprogo ir buvau su 2300-2600 sieros 3000 metalo 123 laužu ir dar visokius dalykus ir kai atsitrenkiau i zeme bandziau atsijungti, bet gavosi taip: atjungi, o tada is karto prisijungiau ir parasiau tau už sukčiavimą gauni visam laikui baną, nenaudoju jokių cheatų, taigi mano draugai gali liūdėti ir aš buvau labai nusiminęs, pamatysite, kad aš gavau baną, nes išleidau 30 eurų ir nusprendžiau parašyti tau, gal atblokuoti, nes labai man liko daug resursų bazėje, bet tai greitai suges ir viskas bus prarasta. Taigi prašau padėk man. Pavadinkite man paskyrą - ElasYT ID sąskaita - 4F19EE685D84E75D
  10. Fellas

    Team chat

    I think it would be a very good idea to prevent other people from seeing the team's messages. And how could it be done? The team owner creates a team, he is the only one who can manage what to add or can do 2 team owners, here you decide. a person comes and says his id, he adds and would be a role novice average tall right hand left hand owner teams assign which chests can be opened by novice average others and so on. I expressed everything I wanted. I hope you will write back soon @Catsbit.Priežiūra
  11. Fellas

    Us4 hacker

    Us4 alb clan 2 hackers id Two id ALB hackers 6ECAA333A3669F08 D9B272DD344B9EF1
  12. the first thing you will write at 00:00 my time or 03:00, so I need to wait for you all day until you write, could you not be more active? and for my unban, which is why I didn't use the cheat, I don't have anything in the id photo, but my name is oxide dabfut2 and the ban id doesn't show...
  13. Fellas

