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Everything posted by Catsbit.Care

  1. Catsbit.Care

    Oxide Wiki

    Hi everyone, I’ve been planning for a long time to make an oxide wiki, where everyone can find some information about the game and tips. Let me explain why it’s crucial. There is a huge number of players who are newcomers, they have never heard about Rust, never played, so they have no idea how all this works and just got lost from the very first minutes of the game. Several months ago I created a draft of the text that I see in this wiki, but it's being abandonned. So, I leave this link here, just in case some of you want to give me a hand and help with descriptions and tips. You can add something & correct the mistakes, if there are any. Btw if you ever came across a good theme that can fit for wiki, don’t hesitate to contact me in private. * Sorry in advance for all the mistakes that can be noticed in the text; ** You won’t find there any spoilers about the coming update; *** I hope you won’t use this file for spam or for any other damaging purpose; **** The update is ready for 70%. Apologies for your soo delayed waiting. In the future we are considering adding some education in the game itself. How do you like this idea? Take care
  2. The second one is already banned