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  1. otq

    bag user

    ну как и все,баг с фундаментом
  2. юзает баг еu2
  3. otq

    We're back

    who is to blame for the fact that this game has become popular with some narrow-eyed YouTuber, who is to blame for the fact that peep-eyed people with a small penis download cheats, before the invasion of these rice slaves everything was fine, there were not many cheaters, and the online was not so big, and the developers did not thought it would be like this
  4. чел постоянно стреляется из под фундаментов,каждая перестрелка проходит так
  5. otq

    bag user eu 2

    ну короче делал баг с фундаментом
  6. otq

    Technical Issues

    will there be an update this week?(