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Found 329 results

  1. SERVER PRIME IS FULL HACKERS 35 US AND EU 55 We lost money to dont play whith them And now they are in prime Like regular servers, we lost money, so we want a special service no hackers That's why you should at least add admin to server prime at least
  2. Agustin.

    BR3 LAGG

    Últimamente el servidor br3 esta andando lageado y con problema de ping, ayuda catsbit
  3. Khan bhai


    I got banned I don't know how but I say why u using cheat are u noob so then I feel some lag so I ignore then I see I just get banned reason spam I bought turret and buggy in my account please unban me🥺🥺I am no use cheat ID: 333305193444087C
  4. I have problem in fourm i get 400 message i dont know how to turn off and get only message from catsbit.guard and admins
  5. Bucci08


    Speed Hack in Us4 Cheater ID 86AAA4C52CB46D6A
  6. This bug was recently added to the game, which is as follows: Every few minutes, the game causes a drop in FPS for all players for 2 seconds, and the sound of furnaces, nature, and crickets is cut off. (This bug was recently added to the game) @Catsbit.Dev please Fix this bug
  7. SERVER PRIME IS FULL HACKERS 35 US AND EU 55 We lost money to dont play whith them And now they are in prime Like regular servers, we lost money, so we want a special service no hackers That's why you should at least add admin to server prime at least
  8. Oyundaki harita genişliğini en az 2-3 kat arttırmalısınız ki insanların kullanımı daha kolay olsun. Sunucu sayısını azaltmalı, kişi sayısını artırmalı ve sunuculara aktif adminler eklemelisiniz. You should first ban them temporarily and then indefinitely. If they still continue to use cheats, you should impose a short-term ban on IP propagation. Of course, suggest all of these, I think you should plan this more in your mind and present it to us in future updates. You must add some admins to the game and give the server names to the admins. This manager logs in at certain times of the day without revealing the manager's money, using tricks that are his own responsibility. I REQUEST YOU TO READ THESE SUGGESTIONS AND AT LEAST ANSWER!
  9. SERVER: US9 I'D:D21383A556BA5128
  10. SERVER PRIME IS FULL HACKERS 35 US AND EU 55 We lost money to dont play whith them And now they are in prime Like regular servers, we lost money, so we want a special service no hackers That's why you should at least add admin to server prime at least
  11. Agustin.

    Bug de clan

    Hola hay un bug que me esta pasando lo cual es, que trato de crear un nuevo clan y me consume mi 100 de scrap pero no crea el clan me pueden ayudar con eso?
  12. 1st id: BFCEF7BBED18AF9 2nd id: 31B39E2A2A05B84
  13. F2rhet


    Can you add or fix the Arabic language in the chat ? There are many Arab players
  14. ID:7E947A6A4DF4C918 This guy is using hacks in server eu 37 speed hack and high jump hack maybe its aimbot too i was standing in safe zone so he couldn't kill me
  15. Oi desenvolvedor gostaria de sugerir a adição de servidores privados no jogo para reduzir os problemas com hackers e trapaças proporcionando um ambiente mais seguro e justo para todos @Catsbit.Care @Catsbit.Dev Apenas uma idéia e por favor @Catsbit.Care não me ignore Sei que você pode ajudar os seus jogadores fazendo isso pra nós,afinal o oxide está caindo por causa dos hackers e você tem que fazer algo... POR FAVOR AJUDE Não fique enrolando como você sempre faz,toda atualização prometendo um anticheat ou algo novo mas no final só adiciona fuma coisa na loja e corrige algum bug Será que pode ouvir algum jogador alguma vez? Obrigado pela atenção e se alguma pessoa concorda com essa ideia de servidores privados como no SURVIVAL SIMULATOR apoie esse posto reaja a ele para que chegue no desenvolvedor...
  16. Vocês só adicionaram servidores US e EU Queria saber do porque ate hoje só tem 3 servidores BRS queria que tivesse mais servidores BRS que injusto isso
  17. Всем доброго времени суток, с наступающим новым годом. Для начала хотел бы рассказать про саму игру. В игре много читеров, разработчики не как не хотят с этим бороться, поставили хотя бы по 1 админу на сервер. Но скорее всего им просто жалко давать им зарплату, хотя есть также люди которые бесплатно ну или же за небольшую сумму денег готовы быть админами. Но разработчики игнорят им все равно на игроков. Игру убили донатом, раньше можно было ставить донат тем у кого не куплен, и радовал всех. Сейчас его поставить могут те кто кто купил, а что делать тем кто из России? Как нам покупать предметы? Не у многих есть такая возможность как купить донат вещи ( но они тоже хотят его ставить и радоваться) Да и где гарантия что аккаунт с донатом не забанят? Большое спасибо вам за скидку +20-30% на донат, все игроки "очень довольны". Настоящие жлобы разработчики. И скорее всего этот пост удалят. Всем хорошего дня и настроения, ещё раз с наступающим/наступившем новым годом.
  18. Aim bot hacker I'd:7CFBECDC888D7AA1 Server:eu96 Name:{D}DAVLAT
  19. Id:ED2D10AACE3DBBF1 Name:appk Proff:
  20. 7C7ABFE2D7B6986B Please unban me i use hack Please, please, I'm playing this game for two years.