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  1. I want to know if the progress on the servers is reset or not / Хочу узнать, сбрасывается ли прогресс на серверах или нет
  2. Hi, this is king rooster I would like to suggest for you guys to let the players to keep the loot they have on their inventory when the next wipe happens. We think is fair for the players who spend hours and hours farming resources.
  3. Evgeniy.


    Правда говорят что через 10 дней будет вайп ?или это все слухи ?
  4. Fokion

    Server wipes

    Hello, I was looking to see if there was a plan to make certain servers wipe on a schedule? As cool as it is to get Rockets and blow things up I love the competitive aspect that you will get when everyone is using a bow an arrow until they get rifles ahaha.