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  1. I want to know if the progress on the servers is reset or not / Хочу узнать, сбрасывается ли прогресс на серверах или нет
  2. Theres a rumor about the new map and new monument,like have more gas station,large factory and fishing village Is that true about rumor the better map? Sorry if theres a mistake words and teks,i hope mr can respons this question
  3. I have a request that would be great if you agree, if you can increase the sensitivity speed in the settings, I will also increase the DPI, but it will not apply to the Oxide game.✨🤞🥴
  4. Do you have plans to add a payment method for players from Russia?
  5. So I know that you need 100 scrap to make a team and I know where to make one, But is there a certain level you have to be at to make a team? As the button isn't there for me. I'm level 8
  6. RU Здравствуйте, дорогие CATSBIT. Я очень рад что вы это читаете мой вопрос и надеюсь что вы ко мне прислушаетесь, перейдем к делу - так-как ваша игра очень похожа на игру "Rust" я бы хотел изменения, не изученных предметов, так называемые "закрытые предметы" "предметы под замком" и т.д теперь просто нельзя пользоваться предметом если ты его не изучил, именно из-за этого я ушел с оксида и больше практически не играл в него игра превратилась в хвх (hackers vs hackers) игру и гриндилку скрапа для изучений, даже если ты с огромным трудом устранишь топ игрока оружиями по типу (лука, револьвера, топора, и т.д) то ты не сможешь убить людей, которые пришли к нему на помощь просто из-за того что ты не можешь шибануть их той же самой киркой по лбу чтобы устранить или застрелить с винтовки. Во общем-то к чему это я, я бы хотел чтобы вернули все как было то-есть убрали предметы под замком тогда мы всем рф коммьюнити будем вам очень благодарны также хотел бы сказать от всего своего клана в оксиде из 8 человек от всего 0ldClan;а то что мы забросили игру чисто из-за этого если бы вы убрали замкнутые предметы тогда мы вернемся, но если вы не хотите этого делать то хотя бы объясните мне и моему клану зачем это было сделано и для чего. Желаю удачи Уважаемые Catsbit games С уважением:0ldov1y. EN Hello dear CATSBITs. I am very glad that you are reading this my question and I hope that you will listen to me, let's get down to business - since your game is very similar to the game "Rust" I would like changes, unlearned items, the so-called "closed items" "items under lock and key, etc. now you just can’t use the item if you haven’t studied it, it’s because of this that I left oxide and didn’t play it anymore, the game turned into a xvh (hackers vs hackers) game and a scrap grinder for studies, even if you with great difficulty eliminate the top player with weapons by type (bow, revolver, ax, etc.), then you will not be able to kill the people who came to his aid simply because you cannot hit them with the same with the pick itself on the forehead to eliminate or shoot with a rifle. In general, what am I talking about, I would like everything to be returned as it was, that is, they removed the items under lock and key, then we will be very grateful to all of the Russian community, I would also like to say from my entire clan in an oxide of 8 people from all 0ldClan; and the fact that we abandoned the game purely because of this if you removed closed objects then we will return, but if you do not want to do this, then at least explain to me and my clan why this was done and for what. Good luck Dear Catsbit games Sincerely, 0ldov1y.
  7. I saw my cupboard, storage box items etc. gone but there was nothing broken, so there should be no one inside??
  8. É possível adicionar 1 ítem novo a cada duas semanas? Ou seja, uma atualização a cada duas semanas, nem que seja adicionar ítens mais "simples" dentro do jogo como C4, dinamite ou correção de bugs, assim vocês nos fazia entender que o desenvolvimento tá investindo no futuro no game. Valeu!
  9. Good afternoon, I'm playing your game Oxide of Survival and I'm shooting youtuber, many of my subscribers after the last update started downloading the game. And many had a bunch of questions for me. 1.What is the fate of the game? 2.when will the game be released? 3.When and what will be added to the updates? 4.will there be a change to the card? 5.repavon loot and zombies? and if ds is the server for the game. Thank you for your attention and I hope to receive an answer.
  10. What's the restart for, out of curiosity? Server two just got a random pop up out of nowhere saying it'd restart. It did, but why? Just curious. Not mad lmfao @Catsbit.Care
  11. Hey all i just want to know about the server list,i can't get any server even i'm refresh the server can u help my problem please?
  12. Since the new game is released and sb3d is getting updated soon I can't help but ask what stuff will be added in the update??
  13. It's been probably almost a year since the gun icon was added is there a date for the release?
  14. is SS available on PC and if not will it?