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  1. I’d think it would be cool if people who own prime get more things like server creation or prime only recipes or something more than no ads and prime server access i just think if you have prime you deserve more for 10 bucks and for russians ——————————————————Я думаю, было бы здорово, если бы люди, владеющие праймом, получали больше таких вещей, как создание сервера или рецепты только для прайма, или что-то большее, чем отсутствие рекламы и доступ к прайм-серверу. Я просто думаю, что если у вас есть прайм, вы заслуживаете большего за 10 баксов.
  2. So… more times than I would like, I have overwritten the wrong map. Half the time It was just because I was going too fast. But the other half was caused by the fact that, there is no way of knowing witch map you have selected for deletion, The prompt just asks you… “Do you really want to overwrite this map?” What map?!? How on earth, can a person with a small screen be sure he hasn’t pressed the wrong button… Answer: He can’t! Witch is why I think you should include the name of the selected map, in the prompt. Something like this… the word overwrite is in red and in "" because it can be replaced with the word delete when needed. Regards. ?
  3. I always wanted an apartment complex or open world desert city in the game and It would be nice to have them, just a suggestion
  4. I hope developers will add more televisions more weapons cars helicopters maps a lot bigger terrain real life sky with generated clouds that will move speakers for Tv props walls, modern windows and explosions