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  1. Hello, I want to appeal for the banning of my account, reason is spamming chats. I think you guys should fix the chat system since most of the time you can send a message after trying 4-5 times of attempting to send one, I grinded 5 days just to get to level 10 and this happens, I am seeking for sincere help. Thank you Nickname: Watiw ID: 3CDA795F57BDB90A
  2. Hello dear developers, one not very cultured person is spamming obscene expressions into the chat 8ADD520BDF708397 this is the ID of this gentleman
  3. &Kirito&


    Ultimate spam ,ban and 15 day ID 422DA5EA93A37B5
  4. Спам и угороза баном/Spam and Threat of Ban Прошу заметить/Please note
  5. Ищет кординаты людей с помощью читов, спамит постоянно Explores people's coordinates using cheats D58FD2DC94E4A2A1
  6. А ще би хотів повідомити про те що дана людина на скриншот обзиває всіх МАМ на сервері
  7. He frist have the name that i put in form photo and. Then cheng but the photos shoqs the id so pleas ban thes players befor they rune the hole game spam chat in farsi the same ting evry dey all the dey doing this
  8. Id : 32AB3E562F4117D3 Server : 43 eu Please bann
  9. [EU]] #56 DF137322335703BB
  10. D2C843572415A604 he killed me and my friend he just hold shoot button and kill us ban him his lvl 10
  11. scamer123


    Меня забанили за спам я не знаю что это такое рассмотрите мою тему я плачу изо бана незачто 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭