
Add more payed products

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As a player who enjoys this game these Christmas loot things cosmetics are great and a fun feature this I'm sure is a small revenue generator but one none the less. I for one would love to see more of these things in a way to show support and have neater looking bases as the game works through the stages of bugs and functional items being added.

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Also another way to get a little more revenue generation is add payed priority for a specific server for example say I play Eu6 I want to get logged in create a say (10) payed person buffer for when it's 50/50 and as each of those 50 log out you add one of the 10 into it or save it and give them a notification when someone has logged out and they have idk 30 seconds to a minute to decline that spot and it goes to either a payed waiter or a ftp player 

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On 10/1/2022 at 11:24, KingCAPO said:

De acuerdo e incluir chatarra para la compra también ☺️

Estoy de acuerdo con @almasorg pero ya que se pueda comprar chatarra en la tienda mataría el juego por completo. Se volvería 100 % pay to win y arruinaría la experiencia de las personas que no tienen los ingresos como para gastarlos en un juego. 


Una cosa para agregar al comentario de @almasorg es que en ves de hacer eso q creo q sería mucho problema es que puedes pagar y tener tu server privado y que te dé la opción de hacerlo público o entrar con una clave solo para tus amigos.

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