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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/28/2023 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    So this is a question alot of people are asking. When is the the update for 2023 coming? And what info on the update can we see ? For example there is alot of cheaters /hackers that use God mode , wall hacks I don't see a point building anything wheen people walk straight through your walls . Is there going to be more things similar to rust Reason why I'm asking is because many people love the game but more people are leaving because hackers are taking over and I'll rather see what's happening for the next update to so if anything is there to stop hackers anti-cheat system or a path that senses added modifications and sends hackers to a shadow banned lobby so all hackers can play together without ruining hard work non hackers create. It's very frustrating and your Loosing alot of players or loyal customers the longer it goes I love the game just like alot of people I just wish to enjoy it without dying to people who can't take damage Thank you for your time please get back to me asap Your sincerely Andrew from New zealand ??
  2. 1 point
    I understand that there was a delay that happened in February however we have had basically zero news about the update. This is genuinely disappointing because you guys keep going back to the same mistake you’ve been doing all this time, ZERO COMMUNICATION. Delays are fine of course, and we appreciate being told there is a delay, so we don’t have our hopes too high, however please keep in mind that it’s almost April and we still have had zero news. You don’t help your case when you say nothing about really anything in regards to the game (apart from banning cheaters). Even if the update isnt ready, even if you need to delay it again, please just communicate with us. We are tired of being left in the dark about all of this!
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
    @welynprint you have to be patient
  6. 1 point
    Hi there, We are really sorry for disappointing you. The truth is, we had some personal stuff to struggle with. The update is meant to be released soon, no precise date though. Yes, we are going to cope better with cheaters and add new things. Thank you for your patience and support! We really appreciate that.
  7. 1 point
    It is better to add slippers then, as regular players will be able to retaliate against hackers. They can kill hackers in the night in their own sleep ? And then they can take all stuff back and then using cheats will be more unsuccessful idea ?
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    UPD If you want to report a player for cheating/inappropriate language/etc, please turn on SHOW PLAYERS ID in settings; precise the player nickname&player id; precise the server this player is on; describe the report in detail; send a screenshot or video record. You can attach the record and share youtube video. If your record is long, please precise the timelines. * If you get a -200 error, it means that you record is too large. You can upload the record on youtube and share a link. ** When you attach a screenshot/record, the post stays in pending, it needs moderator approval. *** The reports have to be sent in the topic "Player reports". I do not consider them in private messages. **** If your report is approved but not answered, it means that you haven't accomplished all the requirements above or the cheating is not proved. ***** Please don't forget to report cheaters in the game., because the majority of cheaters are banned there everyday! Thanks in advance for assistance! RU Если вы хотите пожать жалобу, убедитесь, что: вы включили SHOW PLAYERS ID в настройках; уточнили никнейм и id игрока; уточнили сервер, на котором играет читер; описали суть жалобы; приложили доказательства (видео-запись). * Если при добавлении видео на форум, у вас появляется ошибка -200 error, пожалуйста, загрузите видео на youtube и приложите ссылку в вашу жалобу. ** Ваша жалоба должна будет пройти проверку модератором. *** Все жалобы только в раздел Жалобы на читеров. В личных сообщениях мы их не рассматриваем! **** Если ваша жалобы одобрена, но осталась без ответа, это значит, что вы не выполнили условия, описанные выше, или читерство не доказано. ***** Не забывайте подавать жалобы на игроков в самой игре, так как бОльшее количество игроков банится именно там. Спасибо за помощь!
  10. 0 points
    Игрок E276C4CC1D30919C не забанен.
  11. 0 points
    Вы были забанены за читерство. Банит обычно через какое-то время после использования читов.