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Status Replies posted by bjb3n

  1. If sandbox 3D comes back will there be anyone left in it?

    If not how long do u think it will take for the numbers to rise back to what it was before?

    1. bjb3n


      I don’t get why the servers need to be off if the devs are not actively working on it? 

      maybe they did not see it as worth it to pay for the upkeep of the servers?

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. If sandbox 3D comes back will there be anyone left in it?

    If not how long do u think it will take for the numbers to rise back to what it was before?

    1. bjb3n


      I don’t get why the servers need to be off if the devs are not actively working on it? 

      maybe they did not see it as worth it to pay for the upkeep of the servers?

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. I am dead.

    it was an honor playing with you.


    1. bjb3n


      catsbit please delete this account.

      thank you...


  4. bro u dead or something?

    1. bjb3n


      not really bro, I just forgot that there was a forum.


      thanks for caring !)

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  5. survivor is a very good member of the forum. thank you for helping ?