Ban chets

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Everything posted by Ban chets

  1. здравствуйте я за чужой чек получил прайм и то по шутке вы прислали и то не мой акк разбанте моего друга и заберите прайм к качестве извенения заберите мой аккаунт
  2. Happy April 1st to you
  3. значит ты тупой если с 16 лвл + читами играл
  4. без причин не банят прежде чем с читами играть подумай об аке , скольких ты успел убит с читами?
  5. твой аккаунт в бане за подозрение в читерстве , файлы даных тоже подверждают что ты исползовал читы и ране на твоем телефоне тоже было зафиксировано бан аккаунта, прежде чем играть с читами подумай о последствиях!
  6. why doesn't the donation arrive? ID : 42DD4774327F5BEF
  7. Ban chets


    Hello, please correct the error, you banned me for no reason, I played etoko aka for 3-4 months and played without cheats, my ID is 64F0F5CC8F6FE363
  8. Ban chets


    HACKERS 36 EU 80859931CA853A6
  9. Ban chets


    hello katsbit can you look at why I was banned, I didn’t play with cheats but I did make bugs, my ID is 64F0F5CC8F6FE363
  10. Ban chets

    The ?

    Hello, Sorry, I wrote earlier that I was banned for no reason, I wrote my ID incorrectly, here is my ID 64F0F5CC8F6FE363
  11. Ban chets


    hello, there is a cheat on the 36 eu server, he kills from 2-5 meters with a Kalash with a cheat, please ban him, his ID is 51C34A8B2092A90D
  12. Ban chets


    Thank you
  13. Ban chets


    hello, can you look at why I was banned? I’ve been playing from this account for 2 months but I haven’t violated anything (I’m not asking for an unban; I just want to know my ID (37E8CCCB0911E97)
  14. Здраствуйте почему вы не баните игроков в чем сут этой игры если нормально античит немогут дабавит
  15. E1009E5B2F1CC17C этот человек с начала вайпа все портит играет с аимом пожалуйста забаньье его
  16. if so they banned me immediately when within 1 year I downloaded the cheat 1 time, then why there are so many cheaters on 36 snrver for 3 days and I was banned in 8 hours
  17. do me a favor come on the 36 eu there are a lot of cheaters
  18. just look how much I endured it and played this account for more than 1 year
  19. I swear I always sent a ban in the game, why are you sitting and drinking coffee, I don’t know how reports will be sent here
  20. why should someone not give a job bans cheaters, I would gladly ban them, I know that I don’t have to spoil the game like everyone else, but the nerves are also not endless
  21. Why don't they throw complaints to block the account in social networks of the one who makes cheats