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  1. Hello HYPERHUG As you can see, many people got banned, but I am one of them, and yesterday I joined the game at 11:40 and got banned for a reason, download Oxiden on Playstore, I had downloaded Oxiden, but I don't know what happened, you can see in your program and I hope to fix it very soon HUGS FROM US Id:32694354A2FABFF2 Name:RollsXhoi Level:12 I have bought to much things if you want photo i will show you
  2. Hello HYPERHUG I have one suggestion to add sleepsystem What is sleepsystem:sleepsystem is one cmd when you go offline the loot you cant take in your inventory because the body stay at base is good for everyone and is good for they people who disconect when they are low health I think it will be good comand and many people will like that I hope you add this command HYPERHUG.CARE
  3. Xhoi.xxx


    Hello HYPERHUG I want to ask when the update its coming honestly if you want to speak HYPERHUG.CARE
  4. Xhoi.xxx

    Level issue

    Hello Catsbit Iam a player who plays oxide survial and today i have one problem with the level I join the game today and i see my level wasnt the level which i has my level was 10.3 and now is 9.7 why oxide doing this i do farm mision for fucking reach level 10 and oxide is lowing my level please fix it.Give back my level 10
  5. Xhoi.xxx


    Hello Iam A player and i was killed from cheater i have video Id cheater:A13C6F2F35B1F019 Server: 28 Eu
  6. Pleaseeeeee unban pleaseee i want to play oxide
  7. Hello oxide owner Iam banned for nothing and reason say you ar eban for cheating but i didit use hack i swear to my life please unban ms
  8. Hello oxide owner i never use hack i play with normal oxide and iam pro and and they report me for nothing now pleas unban me my id:F57E9DB8DF364673 love you oxide