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About GH0§T_ENZ

  • Birthday 09/11/2001

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  1. I recently made a comment on some Redrex video and..... he starts to talk many bad words to me... But WHY? Why redrex is so bad? And how he turning a bad player? Anyone to respond? If yes, thanks 🙂
  2. STOP THE HACKS CATSBIT! The game is very full of hackers. Many of these hackers enter on the servers and kick all the players, This is very boring and this destroyed the experience of many players. So.. pls, WAKE UP and kick all the hackers on the game! (if you can do it) [Sorry of my bad inglish, im brazilian 🇧🇷] -GH0§T.
  3. Uhhhh... I know you is brazilian so... Olha.. eu acho q talves eu sei o pq do jogo estar "abandonado". Deve ser pq, ou os devs simplesmente decidiram mandar o fds para o jogo ou.. seja pq o jogo foi LITERALMENTE dominado por hackers que acham q estão jogando em um "anime" e acham q podem fzr oq quiserem lá. Só pode ser uma desses motivos ae...