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  1. Have you ever created a server only to find yourself kicked from a hacker called redrex? He is one form the many hackers, but many people believe that his form the worst. Today, right now, I met him and he started cursing me. I really want to find a way to solve this because the game has become very stressful. Also he has a channel called redrex uploading videos of him cursing people and then calling it a day. My opinion is that he should receive a temporary ban, and if he still continues, then permanently ban his account. Even though it may extreme, this action needs to be carried out in order to make cubic more fun.
  2. I have thought of a another way to stop hackers. I think that this is actually gonna be effective. So, get ready to note. What do hackers use to destroy servers? Mod menus. Well, what if the people working at catsbit had their own exclusive mod menu? How will it work? The key difference from these two mod menus is that the ones the hackers' mod menus are free to get, while the catsbits' mod menu won't. In addition, since the creators will be able to add anything, the menu will be way stronger, banning all the hackers.
  3. Hackers can be really annoying and sometimes are the main cause of progress loss. But, what can be done to prevent this? In my existance, I have though of a few solutions. Personally I believe that we should make areas that can't be humanly reached kick the entity that reaches it. For example, increase the height limit, make helicopters impossible to reach the limit and kick anything that reaches that position. That way, if hackers super jump in the height limit, they will be kicked. More realistically though, it would be best to add this change to speed. What I'm saying is that if we reach a certain amount of speed while not being in a car that can't be reached without hacks, then the player will be kicked.
  4. I do t think that food should give you effects,because their unlimited
  5. Security

    Black wall

    I wanted to make a cool level with all the wall combinations but black was missing as a wall...
  6. Security


    A lot of people keep on joining again and destroying stuff,so if we had bun we would stop them from joining again
  7. Security

    Fly bug

    When placed a army tower ,if you climb and delete while climbing you'll start flowing.
  8. When you put a lot of helipads and next to it a motorcycle if placed correctly it will bug you under the ground and you can still place,blocks also you can do it at buildings.