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  1. There is 2 player that also got killed by him he recorded him he said he will post on forum
  2. D01002AFB3342F0D assault hacker Changing name
  3. You will be not unbanned they don't care you will never be never unbanned it happened to me also and they said they not unbaning peoppe who cheated
  4. Don't spam, 70% of auto farmers are not banned
  5. Hello catsbit If you can can I be moderator on site to answer questions from people I don't need to be payed I'm lvl 17 in game I have prime turret my first account was 12 lvl but my friend effected me to cheat and I lost many account but I stopped cheating 3 months ago and now I if I can apply for moderator
  6. Hello i was cooking in furnaces then 2 players came on my base 1 was 8 lvl leather other lvl 15 with rocket launcher they got on my base without copter my base is 5 floors how did they got on bass???? Also lvl 15 used aimbot hack id 4B40F53E9B44A882
  7. F83743D965914411 cheater lvl 8 shotgun aimkill auto kill
  8. There is casino wheel and there is car and copyer but you need to buy
  9. While i was farming i sae auto farmer i cam i saw him i wanted to shot rrocket at him but he dc when i shot he back and he instant kick then when he back in game i saw hes lvl 19 and i copy his id Id: E2355D3581E67C7A