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Everything posted by mhsusg2244421

  1. Its in the photo YOUSEF_YT_OG THIS IS THE NAME Sorry for not answering faster
  2. Pleas unban my account i dont use cheats
  3. Pleasssss plleeeaaaaassssss bannnn this cheater came in whit level 1 and now still playing level 25 fuck your game if you not ban this guy and thanks reporting thes for 5 time not banned pleasss ban cheaters aimkill rifle comeonnnnnnnnnn
  4. He is hackeing pleasss for the frist time ban this guy
  5. They want fight lets fight them together everyone that playing oxide if you have zeed delete it and refund the money they are all want us to die btw everyone that sees this comment reply go ahead and post a hater vid in everywhere and tell them world dont need zeed like to make this masseg on top showwww them we are not weak
  6. Hello catsbit I hope u have a good day I realy enjoy oxide survival island but the last night I wes farming scrap and after farming 1k by lucky weal I had to my base bur this hacker kills me so I forgat and start.over again then after a day this guys is back killd me 3. Time in lucky weel pleas ban I had all my loot pleas pleas pleas ban this guy todey hope this game gets better
  7. Look if u guys don't wna ban cheaters and kick the once that not cheating me and 1000 playrs well leave your bullshit game ok ban this guy todey are els its gna happend id:55472746256A1375 Ban cheters are u gna loss 1001 people out of your game
  8. This guy aimkill my freand aimkill tools here is the id pleas ban hackers to pley whit peace Id:4AD98AAD58CFF2F6
  9. He frist have the name that i put in form photo and. Then cheng but the photos shoqs the id so pleas ban thes players befor they rune the hole game spam chat in farsi the same ting evry dey all the dey doing this