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Everything posted by Catsbit.Care

  1. Thanks for the report, these players are banned for inappropriate language.
  2. Hi there, Please make some record as a proof
  3. Catsbit.Care


    Hi there, Thanks for the report, but we need some video record.
  4. Hi, Please send us a record as a proof.
  5. Thanks for your report. This player is banned for cheating.
  6. Hi there, Sorry, but the video doesn't load. Could you upload it one more time?
  7. @Rose90 @Emo Johnny/Bones @Minja Does this problem persist?
  8. @Welynprint @Emo Johnny/Bones You two will be banned from the forum for spamming next time. I'm sick and tired of deleting your messages.
  9. Hi there, At the moment we can't technically ban him. Please stay tuned for the update, we are working on the anticheat system.
  10. Catsbit.Care

    Um adeus?

    Hi there, I understand your frustration over this problem. As for this player ban, it's not a big deal, we can ban him permantly. Just wanted to give some "warning" ban. As for this problem in general, we are working on the anticheat update. We made our first try, but it still needs fixing. This game is in alpha version. We didn't promise that everything works great at once. And we have other projects that also need attention. We are not a large company with a number of departments. Just 2 enthusiasts. At the moment I can just say you sorry, we are trying to do our best.
  11. Any advice given in on private messages helped? Please answer me there
  12. Thanks for the report, this player is banned for 7 days.
  13. Could you please describe what's wrong with these players? With these screenshots I don't have any idea.
  14. Have you tried to use mobile data?
  15. UPD If you want to report a player for cheating/inappropriate language/etc, please turn on SHOW PLAYERS ID in settings; precise the player nickname&player id; precise the server this player is on; describe the report in detail; send a screenshot or video record. You can attach the record and share youtube video. If your record is long, please precise the timelines. * If you get a -200 error, it means that you record is too large. You can upload the record on youtube and share a link. ** When you attach a screenshot/record, the post stays in pending, it needs moderator approval. *** The reports have to be sent in the topic "Player reports". I do not consider them in private messages. **** If your report is approved but not answered, it means that you haven't accomplished all the requirements above or the cheating is not proved. ***** Please don't forget to report cheaters in the game., because the majority of cheaters are banned there everyday! Thanks in advance for assistance! RU Если вы хотите пожать жалобу, убедитесь, что: вы включили SHOW PLAYERS ID в настройках; уточнили никнейм и id игрока; уточнили сервер, на котором играет читер; описали суть жалобы; приложили доказательства (видео-запись). * Если при добавлении видео на форум, у вас появляется ошибка -200 error, пожалуйста, загрузите видео на youtube и приложите ссылку в вашу жалобу. ** Ваша жалоба должна будет пройти проверку модератором. *** Все жалобы только в раздел Жалобы на читеров. В личных сообщениях мы их не рассматриваем! **** Если ваша жалобы одобрена, но осталась без ответа, это значит, что вы не выполнили условия, описанные выше, или читерство не доказано. ***** Не забывайте подавать жалобы на игроков в самой игре, так как бОльшее количество игроков банится именно там. Спасибо за помощь!
  16. @Emo Johnny/Bones @Minja @Rose90 Does it happen after every restart? What kind of doors? What servers do you play on?
  17. Hi there, From our part everything works well. Are you using wi-fi?
  18. ??? Everything works well What server do you play on?
  19. Catsbit.Care

    New GANS?

    On our Instagram This gun will be in the update.
  20. Thanks for the bug report. We will check it out.
  21. Thanks for the report. We are working on anticheat update
  22. @Emo Johnny/Bones @Rose90 What kind of doors? Have you placed 2 doors in the same place or not? What device do you play on?
  23. @survival simulater fan @Emo Johnny/Bones @Rose90 Sorry, it was our fault. We fixed it asap
  24. We are just waiting for other players to report the same thing, because no one has this problem. What device do you play on?
  25. Catsbit.Care


    Hi, Do you have some video record of hacking?