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Everything posted by Catsbit.Care

  1. Hi there, Thank you for your great idea. We have been thinking of it for a while. Hope to implement it soon.
  2. Hi there, Thank you for suggestions. Most of them are already in our to-do list) P.S. we are really happy that you loved the game. For us it is awesome that you build some kind of a like-minded team in the game. Happy holidays!
  3. Hi there, The work is in progress. Btw Happy Holidays!
  4. Hi there, Your message was heard, thank you so much.
  5. Hi there, It is coming along, we are going to launch it very soon. However we do not plan to create a discord server - we have a forum for that.
  6. Hi there, First of all, thank you a lot for your loyalty! Concerning your suggestions, these are really good ideas! Do no hesitate to write us again if you have smth to add!
  7. Hi there, Thank you for information. We are aware of these bugs and in progress of fixing them.
  8. Hi there, Thank you for your time and helpful ideas!
  9. Hi there, Thank you a lot for writing! Your opinion is highly appreciated.
  10. Hi there, Please describe your idea in English or French.
  11. Catsbit.Care


    Hi there, Thanks for your suggestion. It will be taken into account.
  12. Hi there, Thank you very much for writing! We appreciate your suggestions very much!
  13. Добрый день, Благодарим за Ваши идеи.
  14. Hi there, Sorry for your waiting. It is coming within a few weeks.
  15. Catsbit.Care


    Hi there, Thanks for ideas. We will think of them.
  16. Добрый день, На главной странице нажмите на иконку подарка в правом верхнем углу. Вам покажется доступная награда. После этого нажмите Take.
  17. Добрый день, Благодарим за Ваши предложения.
  18. Добрый день, На данный момент спального мешка нет в игре. Но будет добавлен в обновлении!
  19. Hi there, If you mean section Weapons in the shop, it is still unavailable in the game.
  20. Hi there, Thank you very much for your time and efforts! You have fully described bugs and, even more, you mentioned your smartphone model . All this information helps us customize the game for players and make it more enjoyable. The most of these bugs will be fixed in the new upgrade. Best wishes to you!
  21. Добрый день, Большое спасибо за предложения! Большинство будут реализованы будут в обновлении. Следите за нашими новостями!
  22. Hi there, In order to load your map, please click Disquette icon - Saved map - Load.
  23. Hi there, Our update is planned to be within a few weeks.
  24. Добрый день, В обновлении добавим животных и некоторые элементы. Спасибо за предложения.