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Everything posted by Catsbit.Care

  1. Уже забанен.
  2. Please give your nickname or your player id for the check.
  3. Can you precise the new nickname you want?
  4. The name is not available, please come up with another one.
  5. Нет, мы не удаляли. Где конкретно вы не можете их найти?
  6. Hi there, I've just checked his logs, he's a cheater.
  7. Для проверки укажите свой никнейм или id игрока.
  8. Please precise your nickname or player id.
  9. Игрок E276C4CC1D30919C не забанен.
  10. Hi there, We are really sorry for disappointing you. The truth is, we had some personal stuff to struggle with. The update is meant to be released soon, no precise date though. Yes, we are going to cope better with cheaters and add new things. Thank you for your patience and support! We really appreciate that.
  11. Добрый день, Наши проекты не удалены. Почему вы так решили?
  12. Name not available. Please come up with another one
  13. В переносе отказано.
  14. Могу только отвязать старый, чтобы вы подключили новый в настройках игры.
  15. Hi there, The cheating is proved.