Mishko play YouTube

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Everything posted by Mishko play YouTube

  1. Good afternoon, I'm on YouTube for this game! The game is very exciting, but my subscribers ask a lot of questions about the game, but unfortunately I don't have an answer to them. how can I talk to you about the game ? and ask a couple of questions?
  2. Добрый день Уважаемые Разработчики игры вот видео с багом
  3. Добрый вечер подскажите пожалуйста! Когда дата следующего обновления? И какие изменения нас ждут?
  4. and the biggest question with pvp is what will be solved in the near future.shooting of course at the moment.Not playing
  5. Good afternoon, I'm playing your game Oxide of Survival and I'm shooting youtuber, many of my subscribers after the last update started downloading the game. And many had a bunch of questions for me. 1.What is the fate of the game? 2.when will the game be released? 3.When and what will be added to the updates? 4.will there be a change to the card? 5.repavon loot and zombies? and if ds is the server for the game. Thank you for your attention and I hope to receive an answer.