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Everything posted by Tankezz

  1. Брат всё это раст, и всё это добавят. Ну сейчас не до этого, у разработчиков много лругих проблем читеров и остальных. Поэтому ждём и надеемся на них!!!
  2. Скорее всего они ещё не готовы к этому у них разработчиков маловато для быстрого исправления багов которые нашли тестировщики. А вопьще я согласен, чтоб это игра развивалась и я тоже как и ты готов стать тестиром игры за бесплатно, и уделять достаточно времени игре.!
  3. Tankezz

    make new slot

    Yes thank you)
  4. Ну у них не так много разработчиков, и щас они занимаються администрацией чтоб активней банить читеров, также занимаються оттделением серверов для гостей и авторизированых игроков.
  5. Брат, разработчики на жто ответили что этот урон и новый анти чит тесно связаны между собой и для исправления нужно много времени!
  6. Tankezz


    Пока этой возможности нету.
  7. Tankezz


    Есть такое ну это не баг, а он это не баг а как бы его нельзя поднять когда предмет в движении когда котиться или ещё что-то
  8. Well, this is just the beginning of the development of the game, plus they have a small team involved in which to deal with the game
  9. Brother, all this will be added and the developers now have other problems that they cannot cope with.
  10. Брат, предоставь пожалуйста видео где он использует читы, без доказательств его не заблокирують
  11. Brother, please provide a video, without evidence it will not be banned!
  12. Tankezz

    Server Bug

    Sorry, I don't know then.
  13. Just disagree with you. The update solved the cheaters and there were fewer of them, but not by much, and the problem continues to be solved
  14. Можешь прислать видео, илиже твой сервер просто переполнен
  15. Tankezz

    Server Bug

    Try to clear the cache, games, if I don't help I don't know
  16. Tankezz

    Why no servers?

    It happened to me, I just took it and reinstalled the game and a little later I went in and everything worked.
  17. Wow, He will be banned, wait a bit.
  18. Brother, these are just beginning games, and it's still too early to turn on transport and everything else, the main thing now is to get rid of cheaters and then everything else!. What about PVP that does not regulate damage. The developer said that pvp and anti-cheat are closely related to each other and it takes a lot of time to solve this. I hope all the same they will solve it, and there will be pvp norms and top Anti-cheat!
  19. Wow, it's a cheater+buguser. He climbed into the middle of the house with the help of cheats, and kills everyone, if on the video his nickname was visible, then he was banned, and since he is invisible, he will not be banned in my opinion.
  20. Brother, I don’t understand you, write more specifically what happened to you. And then I will help you
  21. Well, there are some, you can complain about leaving them
  22. ADDITION!!! In Rust on PC, servers work like this: When an anti-cheat appears on a player with a cheat, he starts to write in the chat that this player is using the cheat and at the same time you receive a message and you start to follow him. If this happens then the beam than the anti-cheat kicks. But work on this anti-cheat so that ordinary players do not complain that there will be spam in your console.
  23. Catsbit.com Yesterday, postushny you found out that the anti-cheat and the fact that the damage does not regrow, they lie down and have a common anti-cheat, you just don’t understand. And in the same number it is assumed the possibility of observing the invaders. I can suggest you to remake the anti-cheats and make it so that it doesn’t kick and inform you that the player’s data uses cheats, and you can follow him through the admin panel, and if you suspect that you will ban him. I DONT DO IT, and this is just a suggestion to do so, so don't judge me too harshly Catsbit.com Catsbit.com maybe my idea or release will be a good suggestion for you, then please ? reply to this that I suggested to you.!! I'll be waiting
  24. Tankezz

    Collision Bug

    Yes, I also encountered this bug. I even made a video about all the places where I had breakfast in the city and threw it on the forum here, but I answered something so I didn’t understand whether this mistake would be corrected or not. also encountered problems with getting stuck between two foundations, apparently I did not shoot then.