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  1. Hello dear developer of the game Oxide survival island! I was banned from the okside for no good reason, I play on my 9 US server as usual, I usually farm, mvk celik comes up to me, I take him with screws, kill him, go to the hut and bam, a ban for Cheats comes out, although I have never used them or played with them.I ask you to bring it to the investigation, since I have never played with cheats in my life, and I think this is a mistake, I hope to unblock my account. Nick: hanto ebet id: I don't remember. server: 9US.
  2. Miroslavkiki


    Why updates are soo slow we need much more updates hire programmers new we need more updates Also we need New server like private server where we can build bases and test them Also server where when you hit tree you get 8 wood 2x everythink also 50x everythink and more PLEASE DO UPDATES FASTER WE NEED UPDATES PEOPLE QUIT GAME BECAUSE UPDATES ARE SLOW PLEASE ADD 1 UPDATE EVERY MONTH IT WOULD BE GREAT TO BE 1 OR 2 UPDATES EVERY MONTH
  3. Do you think it would be better if private servers are rented from you on a monthly basis? If we can invite our friends, family, classmates to our personal servers. It becomes attractive! Think good sales money, a good deal for both you creators and players
  4. hi, my account was banned because I wrote one chat message for fun. Id: DEF1F4495F262D42. please unban my account.
  5. Sahil[FF]


    Can I use vpn for better ping or I will get ban for using vpn
  6. 1. Work on better anticheat because of no hacker in game so new player play your game and game grow 2. Remove prime copter,turret and buggy because they make game pay to win so they in Not a fair play 3. Introduce skins for.door wall gun ect, 4. Pls add electric furnace In game 5. Add many ways to get scrap or resources
  8. hi, my account was banned because I wrote one chat message for fun. Id: DEF1F4495F262D42. please unban my account
  9. Приветствую уважаемые разработчики, прошу прочитать ситуацию до конца,меня забанили с 15 лвл аккаунтом за “Spam”, честно скажу проверьте я не играл с читами, в чат написал игрок что если напишет < топ >- то он дасть мне 600 скрапа, я же ведь не знал что за это забанят, прошу разблокировку и обещаю больше такого не повторится, пишу на этот раздел потому, на разделе запросы на разблокировку вы не смотрите, очень прошу разбан аккаунта от вас, умоляю разбаньте, больше такого не повторится. NickName игрового аккаунта: “ФИОЛЕЦ” ID: AD92F5F41712B7D7
  11. hello, my account with LVL 16 has been blocked for no reason. I'm playing on the server, I accidentally went under a gantrap, my server crashed and I was blocked. please unban my account. if you need video evidence, then I am ready to provide it to you. id: DEF1F4495F262D42
  12. Ggs


    When the purchase transfer available? Or they will not available?
  13. hello, my account with LVL 16 has been blocked for no reason. I'm playing on the server, I accidentally went under a gantrap, my server crashed and I was blocked. please unban my account. if you need video evidence, then I am ready to provide it to you. id: DEF1F4495F262D42
  14. hello, my account with LVL 16 has been blocked for no reason. I'm playing on the server, I accidentally went under a gantrap, my server crashed and I was blocked. please unban my account. if you need video evidence, then I am ready to provide it to you. id: DEF1F4495F262D42
  15. Будет ли новая карта в обновление?
  16. ID:FDFF0F6735617E7 Aim: air gamp, kiked, aim kill, magic bulles. Server 21(us) Klan:KILL Nickname:TE©as
  17. Server:21(US) Nickname:брат сосул Klan:[DEAT] ID:E858BED76E5B3EE0 Ban please
  18. Nickname:воробей ID:7BD214756B397F6F Aim: aim kill + kiked Servers:21us 7 LVL Ban please
  19. hello, my account has been blocked in play in eu55 (prime) i play with ios and i cant use hack i killed several people with assault i also have video and they started doing spam that i am a hacker and i got banned by your anticheat ban I'm on ios and I can't hack it, please remove it if you want it, I'll send the video, tell me and I'll send it to you ID: 84EFB5DDABFE7A51
  20. Сервер 21US Cheat:aim kill +air jamp Nickname:[qoe]ㄊㄞ ID:1DFB711286093BDA Ban please
  21. Eu78 ID:64AADBC4B02DED18 Video:
  22. Будет скидка на донаты турел коптер багги?
  23. Please unban my account I just jumped over the walls using a bug ID:7541DCBECE01257C