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Found 37 results

  1. Hi Catsbit My account was on level 15 I deleted oxide and installed it again and now my account is on level 8 can you help me and fix it please?! This is my name and id LONDINEZ1 ID: 38ABB2D2044DB1F3 Hope I will get and answer!
  2. When you ban hackers then they make other account and the cicle repeats again and again. Ban IP Adress! This maybe Will not stop all hackers cus VPNS, but will help so much. Thx
  3. It's been giving me an error when logging into the servers since yesterday I need help @Catsbit.Care
  4. server: 68 eu Reason: cheating Id: F960F85BBE69AB07
  5. Id игрока: B2F2992D75C10231 Сервер/server : [EU][0.3] Oxide #15 Суть жалобы: данный игрок-читер состоит в клане читеров и убивает многих игроков тем самым мешая развиваться в начале он был в броне, но когда га меня нападал он её снял помогите пожалуйста @Catsbit.Guard Доказательства/proof:
  6. Меня забанили просто так ID:86D43C3355DDDE4A
  7. Aim, speed hack ID: 6F0D1A1EC05100CE 75304BCB0A7E3F7B
  8. F04C625B6D19D242 Thats is id number hes hacking with aim bot please ban
  9. Please unban my account 🙏 😢 😭 I am not hacker please
  10. Hello please go check server us 27 their are so many modders on the server I'm trying to start a YouTube channel that promotes your game please help here are some ids you should check D81035DBC7CED05 CB73C793EFC7E0C EF691D25B96D80D8 A2AD6BF3CD7693D CB070E6895ADE1B 17CB8006788B399A 7203BB2793FE67ED D28F24A76842691E 2A39BE11A1AD4999 6801407CFCB2F28 6909C0238F6998FF 9BCDC2E40F584ED EAEFDE83FC45A34 88ABF551C34A81BF 16584A4077611DF5 3C10E71BEAF19CE8 26A2A2BD17654DF4 53BACEFED0A11549
  11. Please go to us sever 27 and clear out all the hackers theirs alot been playing for 24 hrs and these are the ids i found cheating i wanna play the game right in trying to do you tube videos D81035DBC7CED045 CB73C793EFC7E0EC EF691D25B96D80D8 A2AD6BF3CD76938D CB070E6895ADE1B 17CB8006788B399A 7203BB2793FE67ED D28F24A76842691E 2A39BE11A1AD4999 6801407CFCB2F28 6909C0238F6998FF 9BCDC2E40F584E7D EAEFDE83FC45A334 88ABF551C34A81BF 16584A4077611DF5 3C10E71BEAF19CE8 26A2A2BD17654DF4 53BACEFED0A11549
  12. I bought a prime, yesterday at 23.45. Went to sleep in the morning I go to the acc there is no prime, the payment went through ID : COF65CCAB3DDD482
  13. Id - 1083442F6949277B Name - Я паша я ярик Reason : Aimbot / Cheats
  14. I've been playing for a while and I keep having problems with hackers using aim bot wall hacks climbing up walls or speed hack and I report them everytime I see it happens but they never get banned so I made a list of all their IDs for you if you look at how many times they got kicked you'll know their modders 375C5BFE1A05DB22 F6CCB8B6EC7A8669 C5FA3574F2019587 FE09CAE990D9286A 56B5D3419E1A1409 4158D867B0D7CE9F CC1E82884017A53C C3083F01BA57F758 BE2464DD80D5124C 3C3EC42045772B2B EAEFDE83FC45A334 EA7E83993DFD2C43 5C869C2597BEEC6A E3959470469D5E31 68FF7FC511FA0908 Btw this is all on one server server 27
  15. _Ze4k_


    Hello, dear moderation received a ban from anti-cheat for cheating. How it was: Reidil dos with a pickaxe and I hear a man coming up to me he played with an aim bot he was in leather armor I was in iron armor he shot from a rifle I kill him on the server logs with a Kalash loot him and continue to raid the house and flies ban me. ( This is my donated account, I would not want to lose it) ) Nick: [zk] 網絡運動 ID: DDEFCCB1EF3230BF @Catsbit.Care @Catsbit.Dev
  16. _Ze4k_


    Hello, dear moderation received a ban from anti-cheat for cheating. How it was: Reidil dos with a pickaxe and I hear a man coming up to me he played with an aim bot he was in leather armor I was in iron armor he shot from a rifle I kill him on the server logs with a Kalash loot him and continue to raid the house and flies ban me. ( This is my donated account, I would not want to lose it) ) Nick: [zk] 網絡運動 ID: DDEFCCB1EF3230BF
  17. U cuss use the best survival asset pack for mobile game in unity. Cmon it’s not that hard to add new stuff. Also all the locations use a free asset pack. U guys could just make more locations. We want to explore. @Catsbit.Care To the devs: go to sketchfab and unity type : military base or survival *click* free : View results download free assets : make an airfield add loot spawns and radiation ☢️ in 1 hangar with the main loot ( needs a jump and run puzzle) and voila u have 1 monument done in 1-2 days. And then u add 1 more tool and component from the asset pack ( component doesn’t need a use for now) and then u have an update In 1 week. i wish I could help u guys with the development
  18. RU Здравствуйте, дорогие CATSBIT. Я очень рад что вы это читаете мой вопрос и надеюсь что вы ко мне прислушаетесь, перейдем к делу - так-как ваша игра очень похожа на игру "Rust" я бы хотел изменения, не изученных предметов, так называемые "закрытые предметы" "предметы под замком" и т.д теперь просто нельзя пользоваться предметом если ты его не изучил, именно из-за этого я ушел с оксида и больше практически не играл в него игра превратилась в хвх (hackers vs hackers) игру и гриндилку скрапа для изучений, даже если ты с огромным трудом устранишь топ игрока оружиями по типу (лука, револьвера, топора, и т.д) то ты не сможешь убить людей, которые пришли к нему на помощь просто из-за того что ты не можешь шибануть их той же самой киркой по лбу чтобы устранить или застрелить с винтовки. Во общем-то к чему это я, я бы хотел чтобы вернули все как было то-есть убрали предметы под замком тогда мы всем рф коммьюнити будем вам очень благодарны также хотел бы сказать от всего своего клана в оксиде из 8 человек от всего 0ldClan;а то что мы забросили игру чисто из-за этого если бы вы убрали замкнутые предметы тогда мы вернемся, но если вы не хотите этого делать то хотя бы объясните мне и моему клану зачем это было сделано и для чего. Желаю удачи Уважаемые Catsbit games С уважением:0ldov1y. EN Hello dear CATSBITs. I am very glad that you are reading this my question and I hope that you will listen to me, let's get down to business - since your game is very similar to the game "Rust" I would like changes, unlearned items, the so-called "closed items" "items under lock and key, etc. now you just can’t use the item if you haven’t studied it, it’s because of this that I left oxide and didn’t play it anymore, the game turned into a xvh (hackers vs hackers) game and a scrap grinder for studies, even if you with great difficulty eliminate the top player with weapons by type (bow, revolver, ax, etc.), then you will not be able to kill the people who came to his aid simply because you cannot hit them with the same with the pick itself on the forehead to eliminate or shoot with a rifle. In general, what am I talking about, I would like everything to be returned as it was, that is, they removed the items under lock and key, then we will be very grateful to all of the Russian community, I would also like to say from my entire clan in an oxide of 8 people from all 0ldClan; and the fact that we abandoned the game purely because of this if you removed closed objects then we will return, but if you do not want to do this, then at least explain to me and my clan why this was done and for what. Good luck Dear Catsbit games Sincerely, 0ldov1y.
  19. aim kill cheater on us 1
  20. here is the ID:ADB3F776DEEB495A it has not been banished for a week
  21. Current name is Samyth New requested name Mirror345
  22. Привет , разработчики.У моего друга аккаунт гость и у него на акке донат,если есть возможность можно ли привязать гугл аккаунт другу?Мы не хотим потерять донат на акке.
  23. Добрый день ,помогите решить проблему дело в том что не ищет сервера после выхода с игры ,играю с iOS устройства.