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  1. фарси / فارسی / Farsi ایده و پیشنهاد من این است: 1- یک نوع چاقو که هنگام شکار حیوانات استفاده می شود را اضافه کنید ما می توانیم سر آنها را قطع کنیم. ممکن است از خود بپرسید چرا. می توانید از چرم برای ساخت کلاه چرمی استفاده کنید که سر این حیوانات را به روی کلاه دوخت و دوز کنید و روی سرتان قرار دهید. بازم میگی فایده نداره. می تواند دو فایده داشته باشد. ۱-کلاه با استفاده از سر خرس: کمی به مقاومت کلاه اضافه میکند. کلاه با سر گراز: کمی به محافظت شما در برابر سرما کمک می‌کند. برای کلاه آهو ایده ای ندارم! ۲-اینگونه کلاه های چرمی کمی عظمت خاصی به خود میگیرند و در بین بازیکنان سر هر حیوان نشان دهنده قدرتش در مبارزات را میتواند نشان دهد АнглийскийMy / انگلیسی / English idea and suggestion is: 1- Add a type of knife that is used when hunting animals We can cut off their heads. You may ask yourself why. By sewing the heads of these animals on the hat and putting it on the head, you can use the leather to make a leather hat. You say again it is useless It can have two benefits. 1- A hat using a bear's head: it adds a little to the hat's resistance. Hat with a boar's head: It protects you a little from the cold. I have no ideas for deer hats! 2- These types of leather hats take on a special grandeur and among the players, the head of any animal can show its strength in battles. Русский /روسی / Russian Моя идея и предложение: 1- Добавить тип ножа, который используется при охоте на животных. Мы можем отрубить им головы. Вы можете спросить себя, почему. Пришив головы этих животных к шапке и надев ее на голову, можно из кожи сделать кожаную шапку. Ты снова говоришь, что это бесполезно Это может иметь два преимущества. 1- Шляпа с головой медведя: это немного увеличивает сопротивление шляпы. Шапка с головой кабана: Это немного защитит от холода. У меня нет идей по поводу шапок с оленями! 2- Эти виды кожаных головных уборов приобретают особое величие, и среди игроков голова любого животного может показать свою силу в боях.
  2. DEAR PLAYERS AND DEAR DEVELOPERS, FIRST OF ALL, HELLO. IN THIS COMMENT, I WILL GIVE YOU EXAMPLES AND RECOMMENDATIONS TO MAKE THE GAME MORE BEAUTIFUL. NOTE; ALL THE EXAMPLES GIVEN ARE MY REQUESTS AND THE REQUESTS OF MOST PLAYERS. *******************GAME LANGUAGE ********** 1Turkish language will be added *******************GAME ************* A red constantly flashing light should be added to the helicopter. At night and in the morning this light should shine Safe Zone should be enlarged and a wider variety of games should be introduced. 4)cheats should be removed 5)The sea of the game will be more realistic or the sea floor will not be visible. 6)New home bases can be added. 7)Trees need gentle shaking. 8)New rock types should be added ********for developer . paid item recommendations.********* 1) ax pickaxe skins. You can sell weapon skins. 2)With the pickaxe, you can sell the uncooked sulfur mass, which is depleted after 1000 sulfur. The player will purchase the uncooked sulfur from the store and place it in his house and break it safely in his house. 3)You can sell seats to expand the helicopter etc. This seat will allow you to take your friends onto the helicopter. It will be a paid item. Developers, this is only a small part for now. I can give you private ideas for more... @Catsbit.Care @Catsbit.Dev
  3. Please unban my account. I was just writing in the chat that I should report a hacker who killed me.i get ban because of spam ID:A2F095836BCE7410
  4. One thing that improves the game is sleeping when you exit the game. It is not reasonable to waste bullets so that someone against you can come out. It is not reasonable to waste missiles so that you do not find nothing . I hope you understand the players
  5. Farshidkh1212


    What nonsense is this? If we pass through this area, this area is not safe Well, first of all, be creative Leave some automatic guns around the house Then it should have infinite shot and be a bigger safe zone. what is this I won't tell you anything about the $56 query mining price More than the price of the game rust
  6. Can you add a machine to convert gun powder
  7. Cheater aim kill in server eu 41 Name : [FBI] ABDO 7M7 Id : AEC6744EA12A1A49 Video prof :
  8. Baba

    My suggestion

    hi, my suggestion is to do a big update i.e. increase the number of players to at least 80, improve the ping, improve the graphics, add chainsaw tree cutter, add jackhammer, map bigger than this, and add mod server that one you can modify it as you want which can make it loot x2 x5 and so on
  9. Разработчики, почему сервера лагает? Меня постоянно убивают потому что очень сильно лагает и пингует. Пожалуйста пофиксите лаги!!!!!!!
  10. When will the next update be? We want something new soon to have fun
  11. Banned in january 2024 Device: IPhone 11 Email: Donation on the account: Prime status ID: 771AB330EA13664A
  12. Hello developers! I was banned for no reason For some kind of spam, (I didn't spam) My address is 63EBC31DA56F8606
  13. Please unban my account i bought all Christmas items and i just got banned because of using vpn and my ping was red . I was killing a guy and then i got banned for no reason please check my request thanks ❤️ ID: D95B462790228DD4 Name: 〘F꙰L〙꧁AMOO꧂
  14. Hello developers! I was banned for no reason For some kind of spam, (I didn't spam) My address is 63EBC31DA56F8606
  15. Hello developers! I was banned for no reason For some kind of spam, (I didn't spam) My address is 63EBC31DA56F8606
  16. Здравствуйте разработчики! Меня забанили без причины За какой то спам, (я не спамил) Мой айди: 63EBC31DA56F8606
  17. Здравствуйте разработчики! Меня забанили без причины За какой то спам, (я не спамил) Мой айди: 63EBC31DA56F8606
  18. Здравствуйте разработчики! Меня забанили без причины За какой то спам, (я не спамил) Мой айди: 63EBC31DA56F8606
  19. ANDI KD


    ID:1B11868B8B8E3634 SV:US35
  20. Repair all bugs in us 17 please
  21. I buy iphone and i d’ont know how i singn in my last account please tel me how?
  22. Здравствуйте сегодня купил у вас Коптер а сам Коптер на аккаунт не пришел! Мой игровой id: FF9CAA0540084EC8
  23. Меня забанил Анти чит без причины играю на 31 ус я переплавнял железо и меня банит за Читы без причины.
  24. Hello dear developer of the game Oxide survival island! I was banned from the okside for no good reason, I play on my 9 US server as usual, I usually farm, mvk celik comes up to me, I take him with screws, kill him, go to the hut and bam, a ban for Cheats comes out, although I have never used them or played with them.I ask you to bring it to the investigation, since I have never played with cheats in my life, and I think this is a mistake, I hope to unblock my account. Nick: hanto ebet id: I don't remember. server: 9US.