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  1. Quket


    Всем ку, RT — Нужно иметь хотя бы 8-9 РТ. 1. Добавления РТ по всем частям карты (в зимней ❄️ — зимние РТ, в пустынной 🌵 — пустынные РТ и т. п.). 2. Сайд, где вы можете найти РТ. Rust Craft. 3 напр рт мусарка ku everyone, RT - You need to have at least 8-9 RT. 1. Adding RT to all parts of the map (in winter ❄️ - winter RT, in desert 🌵 - desert RT, etc.). 2. Side where you can find RT. Rust Craft. 3 e.g. rt musarka
  2. Ku everyone, at the beginning of survival we are given an ax + a torch, but this is not logical, not a survival style, Can you fix what is listed above on a stone similar to rust? And so that this stone is given out only once, if you die, you won’t get it a second time, and so that everything works in good order, add sticks, wood, various stones to the map, to the floor, to rocks, etc. keep this post if you want to be happy. 😇 всем ку, при начале выживания нам выдают топор + факел, но это не по логичному, не по стилю выживания, Можете исправить сверху перечисленное на камень на подобие из rust? И чтобы этот камень выдавали только один раз, если умрёшь то второй раз ты его не получишь, и чтобы всё работало в хорошем порядке добавьте палки древесину различные камни на карту, на пол на скалы и тд, подержите этот пост если хотите быть щастливы.
  3. Hello, I propose to make the whole city safe, because many players just control the entrance and exit, and you have to wait. Please fix it. Всем ку, предлагаю сделать весь город безопасным, потом уж много людей конечно контролируют входы и выходы, И добавьте админов ,
  4. DJ_WM

    Novo mapa

    Gostaria de um mapa maior. E pior criar um servidor maior nos dos BR, tipo criar apenas um servidor ou 2 enormes com uma capacidade mínima de 100 pessoas, e eu sei que é difícil mais nada e impossível, ae isso não e só pro os brasileiros mais sim pra todos que jogam óxido, ae também criar um ante hack melhor.😀😀
  5. DJ_WM

    Novo mapa

    Gostaria de um mapa maior. E pior criar um server maior nos dos BR, tipo criar apenas um servidor ou 2 enormes com uma capacidade mínima de 100 pessoas, e eu sei que e difícil mais nada e impossível, a e isso não e só pro os brasileiros mais sim pra todos que jogam oxide, a e também criar um ante hack melhor.😀😀
  6. Hello dear developers I ask you to make an anti-cheat, because I have a lot of money invested in the game and I don’t want to play and just lose resources by giving them away, I ask you to make an anti-cheat so that cheaters cannot play with cheats, please do something with the anti-cheat, why do other games have an anti-cheat, but in your game, which has been around for 5 years, there is no anti-cheat
  7. I have a question why you just don't create protection against APK files "cheats", otherwise an anti-cheat that on the server can't cope with cheaters. Tell me what + from anti-cheat from APK files 1. There will be no aimers 2. - a bunch of cheats
  8. Allright, everything you need to: Fix, Improve, and ALL Bugs in-game 1. Anticheats: - Kick Players with PING above 222. - Jump sounds for fly hackers. - Better kick system and add Bans. 2. Improve (add) : - Swim sounds, jump sounds. - More hatchets (tools). - Remove hammer from Research. - More Monuments (constructions). - More Servers (Asian, African). - Disable Asians into different servers. - Disable Europeans into different servers aswell for others.
  9. Hello dear developers of the game sandbox 3d. I have 1 question for you... But first, to the problem. In Russian servers suffer very much in terms of players with additional features... That is, cheaters. We are ordinary players with Russian servers begging you, make anti-cheat please... For without Antichita, the game will simply die out in terms of Russian servers, but English and other servers can also suffer. Please make an anti-cheat. Thank you.