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Found 144 results

  1. I'd:F269FAEFB9689104 Cheat Hack
  2. I was roaming in us 7 when this clan duo arrived and the shotgun user killed me. His teammate as u can see in the video. Was escorting(taking all the loot) so he can logoff and change name. Server : US 7 ID : 4FA7A4828EE6DEF5 Pk ID :C9F4C6227C106345 Hack: AUTO AIM, AUTO KILL Link: Dev. Thank you for being active. I got a report in prime eu 55 and i did not get any response. Can i get message if he was banned or not. Thank you
  3. When a hacker holds a pickaxe. It usually shows this glitch where a random place gets pickedaxe. As shown in this video. (0.18) This always happen. And also on the 2nd clip. There is no way he can kicked in my room. But when i rocketed him he autokicks cause he had no where to be. (1:02) (In my knowledge , pickaxe glitch and autokick /anti death ) is hack. Thank you for your quick response last report hyperhug. SERVER : US 55 HACK : AUTOKICK , PICK AXE GLITCH HACKER ID : A60431AD6D030EAE LINK :
  4. P1TOY


    I was about to go on a raid. When this hacker showed up. Killed my team mate 5 shots with hr. Auto aim , then when i hit him. He teleported as you can see he teleported far. And the second clip he got kicked aftwr teleporting SERVER : US 7 HACK : AUTO KICK , TELEPORT, ID : 53BBD2928683166E LINK :
  5. Hacker lvl 12 kill me Server 45eu ID: 9A223B136E2B5836
  6. I was roaming when i got killed almost instantly by a revolver auto aim hacker Server : US 9 Hack : Auto aim revolver ID :6EF10AD55BF64D05 Link : ( Starts at 8:15)
  7. Server : US 9 Hack : Auto aim ID :1394A6C8A5F79092 Link:
  8. Хакер 1 Хакер появляется на моей базе, автоматически прицеливается, и вы можете видеть, когда он использует кирку, чтобы уничтожить TC. Хакерская ошибка проявляется. Случайная область получает кирку. Также продолжаются удары и нет промахов. Сервер: США 9 Взлом: АВТО AIM Идентификатор: 75E40DC351E4F0D6 ССЫЛКА:(Начинается с 6:35) ХАКЕР 2 Я бродил, когда меня почти мгновенно убил хакер с автоматическим прицелом из револьвера. Сервер: США 9 Взлом: револьвер с автоприцелом Идентификатор: 6EF10AD55BF64D05 Ссылка: (Начало в 8:15)
  9. A hacker spawn at my base , auto aim and you can see when hes using pick axe to destroy the tc. The hacker bug is showing. Random area is getting pickaxe. Also continues shots and no missed shots Server: US 9 Hack: AUTO AIM ID: 75E40DC351E4F0D6 LINK:( Starts at 6:35 onwards)
  10. I was about to farm when i saw a chat about a player who had auto aim. ( first clip of the video) The first time we pvpd i thought he was good for a lvl 12 player ( Auto aim on) (0:22 of the video). But when i ask him to go pvp on lumber he turned off his auto aim and forgot that his anti death was on. There is no way you can dc instantly while moving and after you get shot. (0:48 of the video) Server : US 9 HACK: AUTO AIM , ANTI DEATH ID: F25D7A60EE2F9027 LINK:
  11. Hack,aim kill 26 EU
  12. Use 35 prime hacker Mcl arabian clan I think they all need to be banned and I want the admins to follow them because this is a PRIME server I hope they get banned and let me know about it and if I didn't give enough information, please contact me I left the video here because for some reason I can't from below
  13. I was about to farm when i saw a chat about a player who had auto aim. ( first clip of the video) The first time we pvpd i thought he was good for a lvl 12 player ( Auto aim on) (0:22 of the video). But when i ask him to go pvp on lumber he turned off his auto aim and forgot that his anti death was on. There is no way you can dc instantly while moving and after you get shot. (0:48 of the video) Server : US 9 HACK: AUTO AIM , ANTI DEATH ID: F25D7A60EE2F9027 LINK:
  15. pirata informático us28 Identificador (7AB69D4436237269)
  16. Софт и его тиммейт на 35 еу , просьба забанить обоих 47E7F2AFCA8EFFCF - читер 3514A16FE8BBDBFF - его тиммейт
  17. Server : US 7 Hack : Fly hack ID : 1BCBCD9A14F7CE08
  19. Server : US 7 HACK : Auto aim ID : 6079D101ED30241 Timestamp: 0:22 Proof:
  20. Читер Аим Вх Флай хай Телекил 723A0A1C425442A0 ID
  23. A750E05760CA6E97 Убивает с аима со 100 метров с калаша и не банит