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On 1/24/2023 at 6:32 PM, ::: said:

I agree with a combat timer, but sleepers is bad for a mobile game as you might have to log off on the go, out in the open. So a combat timer (like 30 seconds after taking PvP damage, not animal or fall damage, they will die, leaving their loot :))

Good idea on the death on combat log… never thought of that. I like it ???

That won't work at all. What happens when you get disconnected from lag? Or kicked cause of a glitch?  When players are playing with a weak wifi signal there's a good chance they will get disconnected. If they add sleepers alot of people will lose loot because of the server kicking them.

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16 minutes ago, Venomous420 said:

Isso não vai funcionar de jeito nenhum. O que acontece quando você é desconectado do lag? Ou chutou por causa de uma falha? Quando os jogadores estão jogando com um sinal wifi fraco, há uma boa chance de serem desconectados. Se eles adicionarem dorminhocos, muitas pessoas perderão saques por causa do servidor que os chutou.

Se a pessoa não tem uma boa internet, ninguém tem culpa de ela tomar kick. O jogo precisa evoluir, e não regredir. Precisam adicionar dorminhocos sim! Remover o glitch de kick quando correr e colocar uma fundação, remover o spawn aleatório ao entrar em baixo de uma fundação.

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23 hours ago, Venomous420 said:

That won't work at all. What happens when you get disconnected from lag? Or kicked cause of a glitch?  When players are playing with a weak wifi signal there's a good chance they will get disconnected. If they add sleepers alot of people will lose loot because of the server kicking them.

I literally said sleepers are B A D ?‍♂️

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Why you dont add sleepers this game its soo boring because you spend ammo and rocket and you dont got nothing because they go disconect. I wast my time to craft booms and 0 loot.I dont wast my time in this game if you dont add sleepers

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On 3/15/2023 at 10:53 PM, A.J said:

Are the developer!??



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On 3/8/2023 at 7:18 PM, ::: said:

I literally said sleepers are B A D ?‍♂️

Sleepers are a good thing??‍♂️ you jus dont want em cuz you a pussy n dc before you die. Sleepers prevent people from disconnecting mid fight/raid. 

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12 hours ago, TTVSamurai_999_wrld said:

Sleepers are a good thing??‍♂️ you jus dont want em cuz you a pussy n dc before you die. Sleepers prevent people from disconnecting mid fight/raid. 

I just think that since people have to leave out in the open, then they will just loose all of their stuff. I hate people who dc and I have only ever done it against hackers. I want a timer so that you have to be in the menu for 10 seconds before you can log, so people can’t dc during a fight. Sleepers won’t work in a mobile game like this, so the timer is a better option.

P.S. Why so toxic?

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8 minutes ago, ::: said:

Eu só acho que, como as pessoas precisam sair ao ar livre, elas simplesmente perderão todas as suas coisas. Eu odeio pessoas que DC e eu só fiz isso contra hackers. Eu quero um cronômetro para que você tenha que ficar no menu por 10 segundos antes de poder logar, para que as pessoas não possam dc durante uma luta. Sleepers não funcionará em um jogo para celular como este, então o timer é uma opção melhor.

PS Por que tão tóxico?

Funciona em tlou, porque não funcionária aqui?

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18.03.2023 в 20:48, ::: сказал:

I just think that since people have to leave out in the open, then they will just loose all of their stuff. I hate people who dc and I have only ever done it against hackers. I want a timer so that you have to be in the menu for 10 seconds before you can log, so people can’t dc during a fight. Sleepers won’t work in a mobile game like this, so the timer is a better option.

P.S. Why so toxic?

   Yes,the timer is a better option 

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16 минут назад, PUNEET. сказал:

well you saying that timer is good then think if any hack developer launch her hack then all normal player will lose there stuff intantly

It is better to add slippers then, as regular players will be able to retaliate against hackers. They can kill hackers in the night in their own sleep ? And then they can take all stuff back and then using cheats will be more unsuccessful idea ?

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On 3/18/2023 at 10:48 AM, ::: said:

I just think that since people have to leave out in the open, then they will just loose all of their stuff. I hate people who dc and I have only ever done it against hackers. I want a timer so that you have to be in the menu for 10 seconds before you can log, so people can’t dc during a fight. Sleepers won’t work in a mobile game like this, so the timer is a better option.

P.S. Why so toxic?

Yk you can jus close the game n itll dc you??‍♂️ that will bypass the timer. Sleepers are a lot better if someone would dc theyll jus lay their n plus people wont be able to dc with loot during a raid. It takes a lot longer than 10 seconds to raid.

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Or devs can improove anticheat system or something doing with cheaters for example,then we can play with exit timer. Idk,but in my opinion thats better to kill other players knowing that they wont leaving the game. More interesting.?

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24.01.2023 в 19:59, Girlok_ сказал:

Всмыслеее????? Надо обязательно  слиперов  игра просто умрет без этой функции!!  Рейдишь дом с 50 ракет а там  кость и кожы  делайте  хоть таймер на кнопку отключение если игрок выйдет с игры в течение 1мину например то он умреть!! 

Ага поддерживаю


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On 3/20/2023 at 1:28 AM, TTVSamurai_999_wrld said:

Yk you can jus close the game n itll dc you??‍♂️ that will bypass the timer. Sleepers are a lot better if someone would dc theyll jus lay their n plus people wont be able to dc with loot during a raid. It takes a lot longer than 10 seconds to raid.

First, they still disconnect. Idk wut u mean by bypassing it. Also, sry man, this game would just suck with sleepers, and that’s MY opinion. They already said they wouldn’t add sleepers, so let’s just stop talking about as everyone is just arguing about it.

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20 часов назад, El Smuz1 сказал:

Здравствуйте, большинство игроков распространяют информацию,что обновление будет 17 числа этого месяца.Это правда ?


Скорее всего нет если администратор написал нам о скором выходе скорее всего это ещё месяц или половина , не стоит доверять школьникам на серверах!

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31 минуту назад, Diablo R1 сказал:

выход обновления 16.04.2024


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16.04.2023 в 14:27, Diablo R1 сказал:

выход обновления 16.04.2024

Кто сказал?


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2 часа назад, ㅤㅤㅤ сказал:

Cadê a atualização ?

Неизвестно всё ещё ждём, хорошо что разработчики делают обновление и банят читеров, конечно у них нету времени чтобы забанить всех но всё таки они многих банят.

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12 minutes ago, Egor27 said:

Desconhecido, ainda estamos esperando, é bom que os desenvolvedores estejam fazendo uma atualização e banindo trapaceiros, claro que eles não têm tempo de banir todos, mas ainda assim banem muitos.

É verdade, porém eles tem que entender que se atualizarem, os trapaceiros não terão hacks gratuitos

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4 минуты назад, ㅤㅤㅤ сказал:

É verdade, porém eles tem que entender que se atualizarem, os trapaceiros não terão hacks gratuitos


Edited by Egor27

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