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「후라」ASTA ャ


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SERVER PRIME IS FULL HACKERS  35 US AND EU 55 We lost money to dont play whith them And now they are in prime Like regular servers, we lost money, so we want a special service  no hackers That's why you should at least add admin  to server prime at least 

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As for me, there are too many cheaters, but I agree that the Prime server should have been separate from other servers due to its status. However, cheaters are everywhere. Problems: There is no Administrator, there is no banal answer in the complaints section about players. Perhaps it's time to think about the players? Finally decided to make the game accessible to cheaters, where a simple player is meat, prey, means nothing. Or still help your players? Yes, I won’t argue that you have a LOT of work, BUT the appearance of one more Moderator could change the situation. You are overflowing with complaints about players the most. The crooked anti-cheat has already been dealt with, but players will not tolerate disrespect for themselves. Hope for understanding.
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Es verdad que no sólo haga chequeo en los servidores prime ya estamos cansados de los hacker cada actualización agregan cosas nuevas para comprar, pero cuando harán algo contra los tramposos que arruinan el juego tampoco recibimos noticias de que si el anti-trampas a mejorado o si están haciendo algo para solucionar el tema de los hacker.

@Catsbit.Dev/ @Catsbit.Guard

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