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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/06/2023 in all areas

  1. 7 points
    Hi there, Finally i can give you some news about the update. We are on the finish line, so, from our part the update will be launched within the following week (don't forget about time of moderation by google play and app store). I beg your pardon for all inconveniences we caused. I wanted to give an exact answer instead of giving another promise. Hope you will enjoy it
  2. 1 point
    Hi there, Thanks to everybody for your waiting! I think we turned gray yesterday. But we are happy to announce that the update 0.3.10 is finally available on Google Play and App Store! What’s new? Added Christmas props; Added Spanish language; Added new items (metal armor, triangle foundation, medkit, bandage, fuel bottle, animal fat); Added resource store; Improved the anticheat system; Armor durability decreases if you take damage; Fixed A LOT of bugs. * We had to remove the research. RU Добрый день всем, Спасибо всем за ожидание! Обновление 0.3.10 доступно для скачивания в Google Play/App Store. Что нового? Добавлены рождественские предметы; Добавлен испанский язык; Добавлены новые предметы (металлическая броня, треугольный фундамент, аптечка, бинт, топливо, животный жир); Добавлен магазин ресурсов; Улучшен античит; Прочность брони снижается при получении урона; Исправлено МНОГО багов.
  3. 1 point
    They already answered, it's on moderation with Google play and with Apple now we wait for them to approve it
  4. 1 point
    Я думаю что неплохой идеей была бы возможность производить вайп серверов без обновления,именно когда разработчик создает и выкладывает обновление происходит вайп но когда он этого не делает лучшим решением будет вайп машина на каждом сервере которая будет производить вайп серверов
  5. 1 point
    Make the administration, readers can be banned immediately, the game will become better!
  6. 1 point
    @Catsbit.Care we all know 1 thing and that is that oxide servers are really dead, to get-rid of dead servers you should delete some server that we dont need and also increse the server players to 250 or 200 players for server, also bigger map and delete alot of servers, just leave 10 of each 10-BR,10-US,10-EU, also for the Pve it will be 5-BR, 5-US, 5-EU For prime it will be 1-BR,1-US,1EU And thats how you wont have dead servers because people will be just playing on any of the 30 public, 15Pve and 3 primes also more admins for the game will make the game doesnt have so much hackers because they will be easyer to banned having at tleast 1 or 2 admins for the webside page and alot of admins for the server that can be active at tleast 3 - 8 Hrs a day Hopr catsbit respond this and hope everyone like my ideas Also Npc's will be good for Gastations and citys that will be great and people will enjoy the game alot more
  7. 1 point
    найден читер на 67 EU сервере имя Scooby-Doo; его айди 182DC21013A1A22 использовал fly hack и bullet speed еще он использовал speedhack просьба забанит этого читера
  8. 1 point
    я не могу добавить этот файл он слишком большой, я его обрезал
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    Без доказательств жалоба не проверяется. Надо предоставить ВИДИОдокозательство
  11. 1 point
    So when is the update coming, the week is over??
  12. 1 point
    Il lavoro tanto nel gioco, però secondo me con gli aggiornamenti mensili come (rust sul pc) aggiungendo sempre più roba questo gioco puo fare davvero il culo tutti gli altri giochi survival. Ora davvero molto povero con il tempo sarà un ottimo gioco.
  13. 1 point
    Hi there, With the update you could freely change the nicknames by yourself anytime you want
  14. 1 point
    Un aggiornamento al gioco ? Che fine sta facendo?? Tiene delle ottime potenzialità
  15. 1 point
    Imagine its friday you come back from school tired and when you are changing school dress to home dress you open chrome and then you see "sorry for the delay,wipe coming within the next hours" you jump your ass of going to playstore search oxide survival island and there it is saying "play" and they you fucking smash the phone so hard not even its atom and molecules remain.....