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  1. ID :647B3B1A2694B156 Hacker Aimbot #US 35 Prime
  2. ID 647B3B1A2694B156 Hacker Aimbot #US 35 Prime
  3. On US Prime server #35 there is a hacker with aimkill screwing everyone using Tramaps and you do nothing about it. We are already tired of so many hackers and you do not take measures against them. Do something about it this person should not continue screwing up our gaming experience. Its ID is: 2F8072EEEA9CA5B4 Name MikanzZ US Prime #35
  4. Hacker use Aimbot US #13 Id : 5AF0078D75707FE2 Server : US #13 He uses cheats, the entire server is very tired of this person. We don't want more hackers in the game. Banning this person is making our lives difficult in the game.
  5. Hello, developers, I want to inform you that on the EU 45 server there is a person who is using hacks and is making our lives difficult in the game. We ask that you take action against this person. Its id is this: 5ED85B6A5B9AA87E Name: adoda2.1 #NoMoreCheaters Thank you Developers for taking action..
  6. Hacker on EU 45 server Check his history and you will see that he uses cheats hacks Bann Name: [GOTP]KoT ID: D63AD2B45D708251