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Everything posted by Catsbit.Care

  1. @Emo Johnny/Bones @Rose90 Hi, Thanks for reporting. We will handle this problem with the new update. Btw, no one is limiited from posting. Just simply posts with screenshots, links etc have to be approved by the moderator.
  2. @survival simulater fan @Fan @Emo Johnny/Bones Hi everyone, The update will be within 2 weeks as promised. Please check our topic News in Oxide: Survival Island to keep up with the news.
  3. Thanks for the video .We will check it out.
  4. @Friendlyguy @Nyacinth Hi guys, This is a bug. We are currently working on a fix.
  5. Hi there, Thanks for your offer. At the moment we don't sell any files, we are not looking for anyone either. But in case of need, we will contact you ?
  6. Нет, наша идея как раз-таки в том, чтобы со временем сделать 2 игры абсолютно разными
  7. @Emo Johnny You are unbanned. Sorry, it's our fault. Your nickname is similar to the nickname of the person who has to be banned.
  8. Hi, please precise your nickname to check it out.
  9. Hi there, Thanks for signaling this to us. This player was permanently banned from the game.
  10. Your post was in moderation. Now it's posted.
  11. Hi, Please change the name, because this is NOT an official discord server, we are taking no responsability of it.
  12. Hi there, Thanks for your suggestions! Buidings have to be self-destructed, it's made on purpose. The server will be clogged in case the old/abandonned buidings are not deteriorated
  13. Yes, we are likely to do it.
  14. You are the first to describe such a problem. Does anybody else has the same one? Maybe you have already asked other players
  15. Hi, Sorry that you have such a problem. In the next update it will be fixed.
  16. Is it every time you open the box you are kicked out of the server? Or it was just one time
  17. Do you click OK or ✔️ when you want to send a message?
  18. Catsbit.Care


    Oh thanks, I got it
  19. @Emo JohnnyHi , The update will be released within 2 weeks at most. As for the update details, I can say that it will be more "informative" than the previous one, there is a number of bugs fixed on the client and server side. At the moment I don't want to enumerate them, because they still need testing.
  20. Catsbit.Care

    Help me

    Hi there, Thanks for the info. We will check it out. Btw, if you have any questions, tag @Catsbit.Careand @Catsbit.Dev , only these two users represent Catsbit Team.
  21. Добрый день, Работа была приостановлена на некоторое время по личным причинам. В течение максимум 2 недель будет обновление. Спасибо за ваше ожидание.
  22. Catsbit.Care

    Update News

    Hi everyone, For some personal reasons the work on the update was suspended. It is now officially: update will be released within 2 weeks at most. Thanks for your waiting!