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  1. Oxide is 18+!? I thought its 13+, soo only 18 above people can play this now?
  2. Delete some of your in game friends and press refresh
  3. Delete some of your in game friends and press refresh
  4. I have the same problem ?, i also didn't play this game for over a month now
  5. Did u get the error bug that says "Failed to refresh the server list!Please try again"?
  6. These guys are using Game Guardian they prolly made their own script cuz they didnt share it to public
  7. Its gonna be painful if u have bad internet and u get kicked from the game cuz of the anti cheat and a naked loots ur body and when u log in ur stuff is gone XD
  8. Bandages can stop bleeding and syringes cant, syringes heals a lot of hp but takes time to heal the hp while bandages have instant heal
  9. Dude it should be like 20 hp per hit cuz like if 40 damage 3 hits of spear and the player is dead