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Nahuel_れツ last won the day on August 21 2021

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  2. How often does a server restart? I'm not referring to the wipe but when the server says, server restarting in 3 seconds... If it has already been said somewhere else sorry for asking again
  3. I tried to repair a chest by hitting it with the hammer, since I accidentally shot it and when I did it it kicked me out of the server 2022_05_09_01_31_24~2.mp4
  4. Nahuel_れツ

    Bug ?

    a light also disappeared after the server reset
  5. When trying to remove a light with the hammer it takes me out of the server. 2022_05_02_19_16_58~2.mp4
  6. It also happened to me, I uninstalled and reinstalled the game and it was solved
  7. The way to avoid this is to put some emoji next to the name of the server you create, so you will be sure that no uninvited player will enter
  8. English/Ingles: I have the same problem, when I am playing out of nowhere the screen appears black and it takes me out of the server, when I go back in it appears again, but after a while it is solved Spanish/español: Tengo el mismo problema, cuando estoy jugando de la nada me sale la pantalla en negro y me saca del servidor, cuando vuelvo a entrar me vuelve a aparecer, pero al rato se soluciona
  9. You can install an ad blocker, the one I recommend is Block this
  10. A new one, when I put a door and quickly change to another slot, the object of the slot I changed to disappears
  11. Sorry, if it was because of my bad translation
  12. I mean the other objects like the code lock, cabinet, wooden door, etc, with those objects the bug usually happens
  13. Mmm, estoy de acuerdo con el idioma español, pero lo de cambiar nombre gratis, haría que los jugadores abusen de cambiarse el nombre todo el tiempo, creo que debería costar algún precio el cambiar el nombre
  14. when I built a door, and I change to another slot quickly the object of the slot I changed to disappears, the bug only affects buildings that cannot be built in the building plan